Sailor Victory (1995)
Five Female high school friends reunite as the secret crime-fighting organization known as Sailor Victory. Commanding 3 giant Ninja Robots, Gion, Momoyama and Sagano, they fight evil in the virtual-future city of Mikado. When a disgraced and disgruntled city official turns to the dark side, he joins forces with the evil and sinister Margarita. While he merely wants to humiliate the Sailor Victory crew, Margarita’s objective is the complete and total annihilation of Mikado City. Only the sweet and innocent Sailor Victory can protect the city from this wicked power.
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - The Dance of the Young Maidens - It's a Serious Case and Everyone's Called In!
Release Date: 1995-06-25When a disgraced and disgruntled city official turns to the dark side, he joins forces with the evil and sinister Margarita.
Episode 2 - Young Maidens in a Pinch - Death of the Cherry Blossom Under the Evil Spirit!?
Release Date: 1995-08-25