RoboCop: The Animated Series (1988)
Cyborg cop Alex Murphy, with his partner Officer Anne Lewis fight to save the city of Old Detroit from assorted rogue elements, and to reclaim aspects of his humanity.
Episode 1 - Crime Wave
Release Date: 1988-10-01Dr. McNamara hires a very dangerous gang, the Vandals, in Old Detroit to cause mass crime waves. If RoboCop cannot stop this threat, Dr. McNamara gets his ED-260 on the streets of Old Detroit.
Episode 2 - Scrambler
Release Date: 1988-10-08A former OCP member, now criminal, hacks into RoboCop's controls system. After that he escapes prison with the help from a brainwashed RoboCop. Criminals now control RoboCop and give him the mission to assassinate OCP’s leader The Old Man.
Episode 3 - Project Deathspore
Release Date: 1988-10-15OCP's experiment Project Deathspore goes terribly wrong and it escapes into the sewers and streets of Old Detroit and feeds on the energy of the city, and the energy of RoboCop as well.
Episode 4 - The Brotherhood
Release Date: 1988-10-22RoboCop meets a High Tech criminal gang, who calls themselves The Brotherhood. Their goal is to destroys all robots & cyborgs in Old Detroit with high tech ball which causes errors on robots & cyborgs and they become mad & destroys all things it sees, or causes power failure.
Episode 5 - The Man in the Iron Suit
Release Date: 1988-10-29Dr. McNamera creates an iron suit that is designed to be far superior to RoboCop and gets Lieutenant Hedgecock -- who despises RoboCop -- into the suit to challenege RoboCop and prove to the Old Man that his product is far superior. The Old Man is only concerned about which product would profit the most so he has Hedgecock and RoboCop challenge one another in a competition to determine which product is superior and more profitable.
Episode 6 - The Hot Seat
Release Date: 1988-11-05Dr. McNamara frees The Vandals from prison and hires them to steal RoboCop’s charging chair, without it, RoboCop is a piece of junk. The Vandals gets RoboCop’s chair and tries to sell it to Dr. McNamara. Will RoboCop & Anne Lewis get RoboCop’s charging chair back, before RoboCop runs out of power?
Episode 7 - No News is Good News
Release Date: 1988-11-12Dr. McNamara sabotages OCP’s great new tank AV7. AV7 thinks all things in Old Detroit are enemies and at the same time a bad reporter attempts to "defame" RoboCop, but he doesn’t know how hard it can be.
Episode 8 - Night of the Archer
Release Date: 1988-11-19A man named Archer steals rich people's money and gives them to poor people. But what is this robber's REAL meaning and motive? Will RoboCop stop this villain?
Episode 9 - Rumble in Old Detroit
Release Date: 1988-11-26Frightening gang war threatens when a very big cargo of illegal guns is stolen from Metro West Police Station. Gangs attack gangs and the only one that can stop it is...RoboCop.
Episode 10 - A Robot's Revenge
Release Date: 1988-12-03RoboCop & Anne Lewis are assigned as Prince Saurus’ & Ilmars bodyguards. They are two Middle East leaders that will sign a peace treaty. But two terrorists send an ED-260 to assassinate the two leaders, just before they write the peace treaty.
Episode 11 - Into the Wilderness
Release Date: 1988-12-10RoboCop tries to stop an OCP factory that pollutes the water and environment.
Episode 12 - Menace of the Mind
Release Date: 1988-12-17A dangerous amulet with micro-circuit named Zip-Chip is for sale on the black market. RoboCop tries to stop the gang when he discovers that the gang leader is Clarence Boddicker who killed RoboCop before when he was a human officer named Alex J. Murphy.