The Surreal Life (2003)
The Surreal Life is a reality television series that sets a select group of past-their-prime celebrities and records them as they live together in Glen Campbell's former mansion in the Hollywood Hills for two weeks. The format of the show resembles that of The Real World and Road Rules, in that the cameras not only record the castmates' participation in group activities assigned to them, but also their interpersonal relationships and conflicts. The series is also likened to The Challenge in that previously known individuals from separate origins of entertainment are brought together into one cast. The show's first two seasons aired on The WB, and subsequent seasons have been shown on VH1.
Episode 1 - The Surreal Seven (a.k.a. It's In My Contract!)
Release Date: 2005-01-09A checker cab driven by reality TV über-fan Kathy Griffin picks up each of the housemates and drops them off at the house. Chyna runs amok, stealing, moving things, thigh-mastering and generally causing chaos. Da Brat's afraid of being in the house with has-beens. Chris tries to maintain the peace when Verne tells Chyna that her private room is his (""it's in my contract""), and the others wonder what it is they've gotten themselves into. Once the room conflict has been resolved, the cast gathers for ""Dinner on Adrianne,"" which will forever change the way the cast feels about sushi, particularly Verne, who shows a big ""perve"" can be in a small package. Later, Jane and Adrianne go skinny dipping, while Verne drinks too much and passes out. Chris, the new father to this wacky quasi-family, carries Verne to bed, only to get a bizarre ""nose-job"" from the soused dwarf.
Episode 2 - The Kids are All Wrong
Release Date: 2005-01-16The cast is challenged beyond belief to take care of a bunch of kids from ages 5-6 yeard old through day care in order to raise money for charity of $1000.
Episode 3 - Horses, Dwarves & Bears, Oh My!
Release Date: 2005-01-23The cast goes camping; Verne faces difficulty with an activity; a campfire bonds the cast as a family; Joanie confesses about a shocking event from her past.
Episode 4 - Three Crushes
Release Date: 2005-01-30As the cast returns back from their camping trip they find out that their house has no been turned into a spa. Unfortunately the spa is albeit one run by a man with a questionable approach to issues of personal space. After they've had their chakras stroked, everyone, except Verne, decides to celebrate Chris's birthday with an impromptu visit to a strip club. And, in a surprise late night revelation, Adrianne spills the beans to Brat about her crush on Mr. Brady.
Episode 5 - Celebrity Pitch Fest
Release Date: 2005-02-13Adrianne continues to pursue for Chris' affection, but still not getting much of a response back. Meanwhile, the cast heads to VH1 offices where they try to get a development deal going so they can create a new series---giving us the chance to meet the mysterious Missy and watch as she and Chyna Doll pitch their ""Man-Eaters"" concept to a befuddled executive panel. Adrianne and Chyna Doll wrestle and Chris confronts Adrianne's outrageous behavior.
Episode 6 - I'm With Cupid
Release Date: 2005-02-20Date night for the Surreal Life cast! A winged Ron Jeremy sets up a dating game for the castmates. Sparks fly as the couples love or loathe their new partners because some-like Adrienne-are still pining over other houseguests.
Episode 7 - Seven Celebrities of Death (1)
Release Date: 2005-03-06The cast members discover that they've got 24 hours to prepare for shooting a Kung Fu epic entitled Seven Celebrities Of Death. As neophyte director Jane struggles to keep it together, they team is suddenly interrupted by a surprise visit from Chyna Doll's boyfriend Sean, who refuses to leave the house without Chyna Doll and threatens to grind the whole Surreal experience to a halt. Da Brat and others in the house catch an attitude with Sean.
Episode 8 - Seven Celebrities of Death (2)
Release Date: 2005-03-27At the movie set, Jane struggles to bring her vision to the silver screen, confronting slow-moving actors, technical problems and a mini-mutiny in which Jane learns the harsh reality imposed by the clock. Fighting back a meltdown, the cast members pull it together, manage to do their stunts, say their lines, and get the project in the can.
Episode 9 - Dirty Laundry
Release Date: 2005-04-03The cast goes to the race track in the morning that day before they leave the house. It's that time of the season where Sally Jessy Raphael comes ""The Surreal Life"" house with a live audience and sits the cast down for ""Dirty Laudry"" where the cast hears things that they didn't know.
Episode 10 - Burning Questions
Release Date: 2005-04-17A series of clips are shown that never made the final cut to television......until now.
Episode 11 - Get Out!!
Release Date: 2005-04-24The cast shares their final night together. Jane waits for Da Brat to apologize to her, but finally confronts her. They argue at dinnre and everyone else feels like their on a slow train wreck. Da Brat says she apologized to Jane, Jane sees differently. Meanwhile, Sean calls Joanie and Joanie gets very sad. Marcus comforts her, but he thinks of her only as a sister. Da Brat & Jane finally agree that they both just wanna be friends, and all is better. The cast leaves, and Verne flips us the bird as he's on his way out.