Most Haunted (2002)
Most Haunted is a British paranormal mystery documentary reality television series. The series was first shown on 25 May, 2002 and ended on 21 July, 2010. Led by Yvette Fielding, the programme investigated purported paranormal activity in many locations in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and other countries. It was produced by Antix Productions and broadcast on the satellite and cable channels Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One. In the United States it was broadcast on the Travel Channel.
Episode 1 - Michelham Priory
Release Date: 2006-06-27 -
Episode 2 - Warwick Castle
Release Date: 2006-07-04 -
Episode 3 - Gladstone Pottery Museum
Release Date: 2006-07-11 -
Episode 4 - Margam Castle
Release Date: 2006-07-25 -
Episode 5 - Royal Exchange Theatre
Release Date: 2006-07-25 -
Episode 6 - Preston Manor
Release Date: 2006-08-01 -
Episode 7 - Plas Mawr
Release Date:Yvette Fielding and a team of investigators conduct paranormal investigations in an empty Elizabethan town house in Conwy, north Wales. They discover that the building appears to be playing host to the spirits of its 16th-century inhabitants
Episode 8 - Taunton Castle
Release Date: 2006-08-15 -
Episode 9 - East Riddlesden Hall
Release Date: 2006-08-22 -
Episode 10 - Ancient High House
Release Date: 2006-08-29 -
Episode 11 - North East Aircraft Museum
Release Date: 2006-09-05 -
Episode 12 - Discovery & Unicorn
Release Date: 2006-09-12 -
Episode 13 - Bamburgh Castle
Release Date: 2006-09-19 -
Episode 14 - Chambercombe Manor
Release Date: 2006-09-26 -
Episode 15 - Spitbank Fort
Release Date: 2006-12-26Rising out of the Solent, one mile off shore, like a silent sentinel, Spitbank Fort was constructed between 1861 and 1878 as one of Palmerston's Follies, a series of land and sea-based forts designed to repel French invaders during the Napoleonic Wars. Spitbank Fort was the last of four, fully armoured forts to be constructed to defend the Solent yet, ironically, by the time they were completed, the risk of invasion had passed. The forts were made ready for possible action during the first and second world wars, although they were never actually needed. Gradually, they fell into disrepair. Horse Sand Fort, was retained by the MOD but the remaining three - including Spitbank - were sold as private enterprises. The 19th century Spitbank Fort has just one recorded death, but this lonesome spirit is violent and unpredictable. Yvette Fielding and the team investigate ghostly phenomena in the Solent's chilly waters.