Sea Of The Wind, The Shore Of The Maze - The First Chapter
The episode opens with a little boy out in the cold snow looking in the window.. His mother and grandmother are arguing over how he is spoiled and misbehaves. He trips and all the sudden it is one year later.. He is in a different part of town.. The location is his grandmothers funeral. Flash forward to present day Japan.. The same boy, now older is named Kaname Takasato. He is in art class having strange flashbacks of the inncindent. We see Sugimoto, having already met Takasato, she goes up and talks to him. She keeps asking him why he was spirited away to The Twelve Kingdoms.. Takasato doesn't want to talk about it. Back in Kei, we see Youko and Keiki flying to Mount Hou to see an old friend of Keiki's. When they arrive Keiki introduces Youko to Youka. Youka tells Youko about the special raboku tree here that gives life to kirin. Taiki, the missing kirin of Tai is brought up and Keiki tells about how his nyokai, Sanshi was born. As she was guarding the ""egg"" Taiki was in.. A shoku oc