It's a Miracle (1998)
It's a Miracle is a television show that aired on PAX-TV between September 6, 1998 and September 1, 2004. Initially hosted by Billy Dean and Nia Peeples and then Richard Thomas, and later by Roma Downey, it explored case studies of people who experienced perceived miracles during their lifetime. The show format could be altered to fit into half-hour or hour-long slots, varying the number of case studies shown in each episode as needed. The show currently is shown in Europe, Africa and the Middle East on Zone Reality.
Episode 1 - Have a heart / Fire
Release Date: 1999-02-14A. A valentine's gift in 7th grade is soon forgotten by Mary, when 25 years later she is reuinited with her crush...thanks to a miracle B. A fire strikes in an apartment - and so does a miracle.
Episode 2 - Snow / Lost
Release Date: 1999-03-05A. Snow buries a young child. He's gonna need a miracle to survive this one. B. Milly McGregor is lost for days in the woods without food or water- and lives. Was it a miracle?
Episode 3 - Haystack / Horse
Release Date: 1999-03-21A. A haystack snake bites a kid. Can he survive? Will a miracle happen? B. A horse saves a kid from disaster. Is it a miracle?
Episode 4 - April Fools / Bomb / Dog / Dolphin
Release Date: 1999-04-09A. A kid's harmless prank causes serious damage - where a miracle could be needed. B. A bomb explodes in an amusment park and the people inside are helped by a miracle. C. A dog swims to sea to save a drowning kid. D. A dolphin saves a life.