Murder Investigation Team (2003)
Murder Investigation Team is a British police procedural drama series produced by the ITV network as a spin-off from the long-running series, The Bill. The series is based around the cases of a Murder Investigation Team, who are linked to the Sun Hill borough of London, as featured in The Bill.
Episode 1 - Phone Tag
Release Date: 2005-07-11The Murder Investigation Team is called in when Ed Villarin, a young Lithuanian, collapses and dies in the street during a game of 'phone tag', in which strangers join the game over the internet and must 'hunt' and photograph the 'target' with their mobile phone.
Episode 2 - Viper's Nest
Release Date: 2005-07-18The Murder Investigation Team uncover a vipers' nest of malpractice and drug dealing after a popular registrar, Karl Anderson, is pushed off a hospital roof.
Episode 3 - Professional
Release Date: 2005-07-25The team investigates the death of Sean Reynolds who is found dead at the wheel of his car. Reynolds was a professional footballer and the autopsy reveals that he died from a severe blow to the back of the head. His wife confirms that her husband had been receiving hate mail and threatening phone calls. As he was about to leave his football club as a free agent, it was put down to irate fans. The investigation leads them to a particularly rabid fan, Jason Phelps, but his information leads them right back to a more likely suspect.
Episode 4 - Sexual Tension
Release Date: 2005-08-01Sexual tension among the Murder Investigation Team is revealed when a crime scene colleague is found strangled in her flat.