Shinzo (2000)
Shinzo, known as Mushrambo in Japan, is an anime produced by Toei Animation and based on the Chinese legend Journey to the West. In the series, creatures known as Enterrans take over Earth and rename it in their own image: Enterra. Now three Enterrans have to protect the last human in order to restore the human race. The anime focuses primarily on the adventures they undergo while working to accomplish this task.
Episode 1 - Awakening
Release Date: 2000-02-0527th century. A human child awakens, with the mission to find the other humans, and bring peace between them and the mutant Enterrans ruling earth now.
Episode 2 - Bee-Ware The Hunters
Release Date: 2000-02-12Yakumo and her new friends land in a nest of Enterran bees.
Episode 3 - Web of Evil
Release Date: 2000-02-19A bunch of Enterrans spiders kidnaps Yakumo in believing a legend that eating a human will make the eater immortal.
Episode 4 - Day At The Park
Release Date: 2000-02-26Yakumo, Sago and Kutal are invited to join a festival, while Mushra still roams about. When he gets the chance to do a little revenge for being send away, he takes it.
Episode 5 - Kiri
Release Date: 2000-03-04Mushra finds a human child, who claims to have escaped from a prison for humans.
Episode 6 - Battling Daku
Release Date: 2000-03-11In an attempt to save Yakumo and Kiri from Daku, Sago comes up with the plan to be captured themselves.
Episode 7 - Into The Jungle
Release Date: 2000-03-18Kutal's nieces and nephews show up and throw the gang on an unexpected adventure.
Episode 8 - Reptilers
Release Date: 2000-03-25As Mushra battles Waru, another Enterran named Gyasa, the King of the Snake-Enterrans, appears with the intention of taking out the gang and kidnapping Yakumo.
Episode 9 - Gyasa
Release Date: 2000-04-01Gyasa uses dirty tricks to take out Sago and Kutal, leaving Mushra by himself. Can he find a way to defeat Gyasa?
Episode 10 - Mushrambo: The Ultimate Samurai
Release Date: 2000-04-08Mushrambo is able to defeat Gyasa in his first form, but what will happen when he transforms?
Episode 11 - Clash of The Hyper Warriors
Release Date: 2000-04-15Mushrambo is overpowered by the Hyper Gyasa. Can he find a way to turn the tide of the battle around?
Episode 12 - The Test
Release Date: 2000-04-29Darba, the supposed wizard of Shinzo, appears with a proposition for the team, but what are his real intentions?
Episode 13 - Ryuma, Lord of the Reptiles
Release Date: 2000-05-06The group arrives at another forest after going through the desert, but when Grandora the 3-Headed Ice Dragon attacks the village under Ungra and Ryuma's control, it means trouble for the entire team.
Episode 14 - Dark Spirit of Destruction
Release Date: 2000-05-13Mushrambo has been turned evil and is now Dark Mushrambo. Can anyone or anything defeat him?
Episode 15 - Mechano city
Release Date: 2000-05-20The group arrives in a city full of robots, but what will they do when the cops begin to pursue them?
Episode 16 - The giant robot
Release Date: 2000-05-27What will the robots do when they learn that Yakumo is a human?
Episode 17 - The great war
Release Date: 2000-06-03Mushra and the robots find out about Yakumo's past and the truth about the robot king, but what happens when Mushra battles Cairis to the end in a one-on-one battle?
Episode 18 - The secrets of the seven
Release Date: 2000-06-10As a machine is using the egg card's power to revive Mushra, Sago, and Kutal, King Nipper sacrifices his life in an attempt to stop Cairis and prevent him from killing Yakumo.
Episode 19 - The feathered fiend
Release Date: 2000-06-17Mechano City has been destroyed, so Mushra and company decide to get revenge by attacking the Birdmen colonies. What they find is a new challenge, but can they be successful at overcoming it?
Episode 20 - The two Mushrambo's
Release Date: 2000-06-24Mushrambo must battle his evil self to prevent the young Yakumo from being killed, but can they succeed without gaining some new powers?
Episode 21 - The battle of one
Release Date: 2000-07-01The final battle between the two Mushrambo's is at hand, but which side will prevail?
Episode 22 - A new begining
Release Date: 2000-07-08Mushra is trapped once again, but freed by the mysterious Binka, but when Lanancuras' servants attack them, can they survive without hyper power, or is there another way for Mushra to go hyper?
Episode 23 - Bear claws
Release Date: 2000-07-15Binka and Mushra search for Sago so Mushrambo can be reformed, but what troubles await them in route?
Episode 24 - Nightmare dream center
Release Date: 2000-07-22Eilis decides to target Mushra to prevent Mushrambo from ever being reborn. Can the team overcome him and keep Mushra alive?
Episode 25 - Eillis of the storm
Release Date: 2000-07-29It's Eilis vs. Mushrambo, but who will be the victor?
Episode 26 - Reviving Yakumo
Release Date: 2000-08-12The group gets trapped in a never ending maze, and their only hope of escape is Yakumo. Can they succeed?
Episode 27 - Lanancuras arises
Release Date: 2000-08-19It's Yakumo & Mushrambo vs. Lanancuras, but who has the bigger desire to win?
Episode 28 - Lanancuras unbound
Release Date: 2000-08-26Lanancuras gains his full power and continues the battle against Mushrambo. Who will end up being the victor, especially when it appears that Yakumo is killed.
Episode 29 - Mushrambo meets his match
Release Date: 2000-09-02Mushrambo continues his battle against Lanancuras, but does he stand a chance without the help of Yakumo and Binka?
Episode 30 - Mushra's mission
Release Date: 2000-09-09Lanancuras' apparent death was unexpected and he appears to be headed toward being the ruler of the world, but Mushra refuses to give up and calls on a new power source to assist him. Will it be enough to defeat Lanancuras in the end?
Episode 31 - Soul survivor
Release Date: 2000-09-16With all hope lost, Mushra vows to destroy Lanancuras once and for all, and with the guardian powers revealed he may just succeed. What will happen next?
Episode 32 - Long live Yakumo
Release Date: 2000-09-23The battle between Mushra and Lanancuras comes to its exciting conclusion, but whose lives will it cost?