Insight (1960)
Insight is an American religious-themed weekly anthology series that aired in syndication from October 1960 to 1983. Produced by Paulist Productions in Los Angeles, the series presented half-hour dramas illuminating the contemporary search for meaning, freedom, and love. Insight was an anthology series, using an eclectic set of storytelling forms including comedy, melodrama, and fantasy to explore moral dilemmas. The series was created by Roman Catholic priest Ellwood E. "Bud" Kieser, the founder of Paulist Productions. As a member of an evangelistic order of Catholic priests called the Paulist Fathers, he worked in the entertainment community in Hollywood as a priest-producer and occasional host, using television as a vehicle of spiritual enrichment. Many of the episodes of the series were videotaped at CBS Television City and then Metromedia Square.
Episode 1 - A Step Too Slow
Release Date: 1981-04-05A high-schooler becomes good friends with a new, shy classmate who has just come with her family from Vietnam. Through their tightly-knit friendship she opens up, and he realizes the struggles that she and her family face as they adapt to American culture. Inspired by her compassion, the circumstances of being an outcast and the pressures of high school, he writes a song he titles "A Step Too Slow" and pulls off an incredibly emotional performance in front of their class. Their silence after he finishes is eventually broken by a classmate who initiates a sing-along to the catchy, warm, and heartfelt chorus.
Episode 2 - Rendezvous
Release Date: 1981-04-16 -
Episode 3 - When Heroes Fall
Release Date: 1981-04-23 -
Episode 4 - The Domino Effect
Release Date: 1981-04-30 -
Episode 5 - Missing Persons Bureau
Release Date: 1981-05-07A man named Don goes to the Missing Persons Bureau to find God.
Episode 6 - God's Guerillas
Release Date: 1981-05-14 -
Episode 7 - Goodbye
Release Date: 1981-05-28A writer receives a visit from a familiar guest late at night, causing him to come to terms with the possibility of losing his cancer-stricken son.
Episode 8 - A Decision to Love
Release Date: 1981-06-18A couple attends a marriage-encounter weekend to learn the joys of intimacy that they lack.
Episode 9 - The Needle's Eye
Release Date: 1981-10-20 -
Episode 10 - The Sixth Day
Release Date: 1981-11-01 -
Episode 11 - Little Miseries
Release Date: 1981-11-15Aunt Carmella is very manipulative toward her nephew Frankie, who finally rebels.