Cinderella Boy (2003)
Cinderella Boy follows the adventures of impoverished private detective Ranma Hinamatsuri and his thrill-seeking rich girl partner Rella "Cindy" Shirayuki in a futuristic city named "Kirin Town". Kirin Town is a lawless European city-state with its own currency with the name of the city being a pun on the English word for "killing". The two are badly injured when they stumble across an organised crime operation and are put back together into the same body by a mysterious doctor. Every night the stroke of midnight, their shared body changes both form and identity. Ranma becomes Rella, or vice versa. Neither is aware of any actions or situations their partner is involved in, completely losing consciousness until twenty-four hours later, when the change comes around to them again.
Episode 1 - A Fable of a Never Sleeping Town
Release Date: 2003-06-24 -
Episode 2 - The Fairy in the Back Alley
Release Date: 2003-06-30 -
Episode 3 - A Sweet Trap in the Toy Country
Release Date: 2003-07-09 -
Episode 4 - The Sea Where the Beauty and the Beast Play
Release Date: 2003-07-16 -
Episode 5 - Countdown of the Poisoned Apple
Release Date: 2003-07-23 -
Episode 6 - How to Cook Three Little Pigs
Release Date: 2003-07-28 -
Episode 7 - Once Upon a Time, in a Dirty Town
Release Date: 2003-08-04 -
Episode 8 - Angel in the Golden Country
Release Date: 2003-08-11 -
Episode 9 - A Bouquet for the Killer Angel
Release Date: 2003-08-18 -
Episode 10 - A Lying Red Riding Hood and an Honest Wolf
Release Date: 2003-08-25 -
Episode 11 - The Lost Magician
Release Date: 2003-09-03 -
Episode 12 - Who Has the Blue Bird?
Release Date: 2003-09-09 -
Episode 13 - Cinderella Does Not Sleep
Release Date: 2003-09-16