The Guild (2007)
Fantasy and reality collide when a surprisingly diverse group of online video-game addicts struggle to balance the game with personal relationships.
Episode 1 - Dream Questline
Release Date: 2012-10-02Codex starts her dream job, but it starts off with her new boss making the employees mad at her.
Episode 2 - New Party Members
Release Date: 2012-10-09Codex has her first company meeting, Clara gets a new houseguest and Vork plans a day with his lady.
Episode 3 - Makeshift Solutions
Release Date: 2012-10-16Zaboo begins crafting his perfect partner, Clara makes a video and Codex gets an odd task and an access code.
Episode 4 - Raid Timez
Release Date: 2012-10-23The Guild crashes Codex's workplace, Vork faces the uncomfortable facts of a real life relationship.
Episode 5 - Strange Frenemies
Release Date: 2012-10-30Zaboo injects himself into the office and Codex learns more of Floyd's quirks.
Episode 6 - Into the Breach
Release Date: 2012-11-06Tink and Zaboo venture into the private test server. Codex deals with yet another Guild interference at her work. Bladezz bonds with Wiggly.
Episode 7 - Occupy HQ
Release Date: 2012-11-20Vork takes his protest to the Game HQ. Tink finds commonality with Donovan.
Episode 8 - Dialogue Options
Release Date: 2012-11-27Codex steps into the game with Tink's help. Vork's attempt at culling Madeline's favor backfires.
Episode 9 - The Case of the Game Leak
Release Date: 2012-12-04Codex tries to investigate the Game leak. Clara's vlogging has a surprising effect and Vork discovers the drawbacks of advocacy.
Episode 10 - Tipping Points
Release Date: 2012-12-11Vork’s protest picks up steam as Controller Grrl and Black Knight raise the stakes. Codex attempts to talk Floyd down and Tink uncovers some unpleasant truths.
Episode 11 - Raid HQ!
Release Date: 2012-12-18Codex and Zaboo try to leave Game HQ, but face complications as Vork's protest outside turns into a riot.
Episode 12 - End Game
Release Date: 2013-01-08Floyd and the Game team weather the riot outside Game HQ as the Guildies work together to save the day.