Duck Patrol (1998)
Duck Patrol is a British television comedy series that originally aired in 1998. Produced by LWT for the ITV network, it centered around a river police station by the River Thames. The script for the pilot episode 'Of Ducks and Men' was re-filmed with some changes to supporting cast and main cast uniforms, and retitled as 'Flying Colours' which then became the first episode of the following series.
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - Flying Colours (aka Of Ducks and Men)
Release Date: 1998-07-19 -
Episode 2 - Out to Grass
Release Date: 1998-07-26 -
Episode 3 - Occurrences
Release Date: 1998-08-02 -
Episode 4 - The Spirit of the Deep
Release Date: 1998-08-09 -
Episode 5 - Duck Turpin
Release Date: 1998-08-16 -
Episode 6 - River Rage
Release Date: 1998-08-23 -
Episode 7 - The Siege of Mallory Wharf
Release Date: 1998-08-30