Hollywood Residential (2008)
Hollywood Residential is an American comedy television series created by and starring Adam Paul. It was originally broadcast on the Starz network in the United States. Paul plays Tony King, an aspiring actor who had come up with an idea for a reality show in the style of This Old House in which each episode focused on his making improvements to the home of a Hollywood celebrity. Each episode featured a celebrity playing himself or herself. Recurring themes include Tony's incompetence, his obsession with his ex-wife, and his simultaneous jealousy of and attraction for his co-host, Lila. Tony's ex-wife Rachael was played by Rachael Harris. Adam Paul and Rachael Harris were married in real life and they divorced soon after the initial broadcast of Hollywood Residential.
Episode 1 - The Hotness
Release Date: 2008-01-23When Tony King and his show go to Paula Abdul's house to build a dance studio he proceeds to make a mess of the production. He manages to cause an accident with a production assistant and is also introduced to his new sidekick Lila.
Episode 2 - Where's Tom?
Release Date: 2008-01-30The crew shows up at Tom Arnold's house to help make over his eyesore of a backyard, but when Tom is nowhere to be seen, things turn hectic.
Episode 3 - Dominion Day
Release Date: 2008-02-06The crew is hired by Carmen Electra to construct a new bathroom for her, but an accident happens that leads to the death of her dog.
Episode 4 - Sauna
Release Date: 2008-02-13While on a new job, working on Jamie Kennedy's house, Tony finds out that he's dating his ex-girlfriend.
Episode 5 - Awards Show
Release Date: 2008-02-20Cheryl Hines agrees to take either Tony or Lila to the Golden Globe Awards with her and Tony's mom visits the set as the make over Cheryl's screening room.
Episode 6 - Only Small Actors
Release Date: 2008-02-27While working on Chris Kattan's house, Tony gets a chance to audition for his next movie; a studio executive visits the set of Hollywood Residential and tells Lila the show will be focusing more on her, instead of Adam.
Episode 7 - It Happens
Release Date: 2008-03-05Turmoil happens at John Cho's house, as the crew begin working, they must share the Cho house with the production of an adult film; Tony and Lila have an intimate moment that leaves Lila to explaining herself.
Episode 8 - Lila's Party
Release Date: 2008-03-12Tony and the crew are remodeling Beverly D'Angelo's house, who's just broken up with her boyfriend. Tony is able to calm her down and takes her generosity as something that it isn't, which leads his job into jeopardy.