Gideon Oliver (1989)
Gideon Oliver is a prime time television series that ran on the ABC television network between February 1989 and May 1989 as part of the ABC Mystery Movie rotation, along with B.L. Stryker, Kojak and Columbo. On the air for only five episodes, the series starred Emmy- and Academy Award-winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr., and was created by Dick Wolf. The title character first appeared in the novel series by mystery writer Aaron Elkins.
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - Sleep Well, Professor Oliver
Release Date: 1989-02-20While helping the police find the murderer of a friend, Professor Oliver follows a bloody trail that leads to a satanic cult and snuff films.
Episode 2 - Tongs
Release Date: 1989-03-13Professor Oliver learns that one of his best students is fighting in a violent Tong war in Chinatown
Episode 3 - The Last Plane From Coramaya
Release Date: 1989-04-10 -
Episode 4 - By the Waters of Babylon
Release Date: 1989-04-24 -
Episode 5 - Kennonite
Release Date: 1989-05-22