Odd One In (2010)
Odd One In was a British comedy panel game show, broadcast on the ITV Network. It is hosted by Bradley Walsh. The regular Home Team are Peter Andre and Jason Manford, the Away Team are two guest celebrities who change each week.
Season 2 Episode List
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Release Date: -
Episode 2 - Episode 2
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Episode 3 - Episode 3
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Episode 4 - Episode 4
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Episode 5 - Episode 5
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Episode 6 - Episode 6
Release Date: -
Episode 7 - Episode 7
Release Date:soap opera special in which Michelle Keegan and John Thomson from Coronation Street take on Emmerdale's Adele Silva and Charlie Baker. The teams must try and spot who is the real Greek, who has the fake tattoo, who is part of a knife-throwing double act, who is wearing a mullet wig and who can lift up a person with their ears. Will the soap stars be able to find the odd one in, or will they be fooled by the fakers