Tipping Point (2012)
Tipping Point is a British television game show presented by Ben Shephard and is broadcast on ITV. The show began airing on 2 July 2012 and sees contestants answering general knowledge questions to win counters which they use on a large coin pusher arcade-style machine which releases the counters worth £50 each. The third series began airing on 20 May 2013. Twelve celebrity editions of the show, known as Tipping Point: Lucky Stars, aired between June and August 2013. These feature three celebrities, playing to win up to £20,000 for their chosen charities.
Season 14 Episode List
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Release Date: 2024-09-09 -
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Release Date: 2024-09-10 -
Episode 3 - Episode 3
Release Date: 2024-09-11 -
Episode 4 - Episode 4
Release Date: 2024-09-16 -
Episode 5 - Episode 5
Release Date: 2024-09-17