L'India delle meraviglie (seconda versione)

An extraordinary journey through the places, colors and sounds of India's wonders. Together with Alberto Angela, we visit mausoleums, temples and princely residences of Mughals and Maharajahs. We cross an immense country, with more than a billion inhabitants and at least 25 languages. India is the country of the most ancient religions, of strong smells, of penetrating glances, and of fabulous riches but also of poverty. A country with an ancient history that has left us sites, temples and monuments that are among the most spectacular on our planet. In Agra we visit the Taj Mahal, the funeral monument built by the Great Mogul for his beloved bride who died young. We discover that the construction of the symbol of India coincided with a period of extraordinary wealth and tolerance which saw the flourishing of arts and culture, an era comparable, in a certain sense, to our Renaissance. We move to Rajahastan, the land of the maharajas, where we visit the fabulous colorful cities.

  • Piero Angela
  • Alberto Angela

Release Date: 2001-04-07
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
TMDb: 8.9/10
  • Country: IT
  • Language: Italiano

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I cicli della vita
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I tesori del Museo Egizio di Torino (seconda versione)
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L'India delle meraviglie (seconda versione)
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Le meraviglie del cielo
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Splendori di Sicilia
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La torre di Babele
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Venezia. Viaggio tra i tesori del Canal Grande (seconda versione)
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Il racconto segreto della colonna traiana (seconda versione)
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Viaggio insolito nel corpo umano (seconda versione)
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