Wildside (1985)
Wildside is an American series aired by ABC from March to April 1985. The series stars William Smith, J. Eddie Peck, Howard Rollins, William Smith, Sandy McPeak, Terry Funk, John D'Aquino, and Meg Ryan.
Episode 1 - Well-Known Secret
Release Date: 1985-03-21The team square off against a renegade ex-Confederate general teaing up towns in California looking for a hidden cache of gold.
Episode 2 - Delinquency of a Miner
Release Date: 1985-03-28Zeke runs away and ends up lured into a coal-mining scheme run by criminals.
Episode 3 - The Crimea of the Century
Release Date: 1985-04-04A squad of British mercenaries, ex-members of the Light Brigade, are terrorizing the local countryside looking for black-tar springs.
Episode 4 - Don't Keep the Home Fires Burning
Release Date: 1985-04-11After Bannister's fiancee dies of an illness shortly after arriving in town, he leave the team at a critical junction as a gang of arsonists hit Wildside.
Episode 5 - Buffalo Who?
Release Date: 1985-04-18A fake Buffalo Bill brings his equally fake Wild West show to Wildside and tries to kill the Spanish Ambassador to Cuba.
Episode 6 - Until the Fat Lady Sings
Release Date: 1985-04-25Rileback, an old enemy of Brodie's, shows up with a scheme to get revenge for the loss of his trigger finger and kill Brodie and the others.