Three's Company (1977)
Three's Company is an American television sitcom that aired for eight seasons on ABC from March 15, 1977, to September 18, 1984. Developed by Don Nicholl, Michael Ross and Bernie West, it is based on the British sitcom Man About the House created by Brian Cooke and Johnnie Mortimer. The story revolves around three single roommates: Jack Tripper, Janet Wood, and Chrissy Snow, who all platonically live together in a Santa Monica, California apartment complex owned by Stanley and Helen Roper. The show, a farce, chronicles the escapades and hi jinks of the trio's constant misunderstandings, social lives, and financial struggles. A top 10 hit from 1977 to 1983, the series has remained popular in syndication and through DVD releases. The show also spawned similar spin-offs to those that Man About the House had: The Ropers and Three's a Crowd, based upon George and Mildred and Robin's Nest, respectively.
Episode 1 - A Man About the House
Release Date: 1977-03-15This crazy series begins when Janet Wood and Chrissy Snow, two attractive women, have a going away party for their roommate, Eleanor (who we'll meet in Episode 44). While trying to find someone to share the rent with, they find party crasher Jack Tripper in their bathtub. They have their doubts at first but when they find out that Jack is the only one that can cook (by going to cooking school), they want him to stay. The hardest part of this is trying to convince the landlords, Stanley and Helen Roper, that Jack is indeed good company. Stanley doesn't like the idea of a man living with two women, knowing what can go on behind closed doors. Jack pretends he is gay so that he can have a place to live. It works, and the rest is sitcom history.
Episode 2 - And Mother Makes Four
Release Date: 1977-03-24Jack is all set to move into Eleanor's room, until Chrissy's mother unexpectedly shows up. Chrissy's mom does not know that she and Janet live with a man, so she tries to keep them out of sight. Janet and Jack go to the Regal Beagle to hide out, and Mrs. Roper finds out that Jack is not really gay. She manages to keep it secret from Mr. Roper.
Episode 3 - Roper's Niece
Release Date: 1977-03-31Mr. Roper sets Jack up with his niece, who turns out to be very promiscuous in her way. Jack finds out that Mr. Roper set him up in order to turn him straight, and if he is, out he goes.
Episode 4 - No Children, No Dogs
Release Date: 1977-04-07Larry Dallas, a slick car salesman, unloads a puppy on the trio. Knowing that Stanley doesn't allow pets, they try to hide it. The puppy is necesary for Chrissy's sleepwalking problem.
Episode 5 - Jack the Giant Killer
Release Date: 1977-04-14Jack's masculinity is put to the test when a big bully tries to have his way with the girls.
Episode 6 - It's Only Money
Release Date: 1977-04-21Oh my! The trio's rent money is missing and they scramble to get more money so Stanley will not kick them out. Unbeknownst to them, Stanley picked up the money earlier that day.