The Friday Night Project (2005)
The Friday Night Project was a British comedy-variety show by Princess Productions that first aired on Channel 4 in February 2005 under the title The Friday Night Project. Originally broadcast on Friday nights, the show moved to Sunday nights for its seventh series in 2008. Each week the regular hosts Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr are joined by a celebrity guest host. These guests provide an opening monologue, are interviewed by Alan and Justin and take questions from the studio audience. They also take part in comedy sketches, hidden camera stunts and a game show where someone from the audience is selected to win prizes. When the show was called The Friday Night Project, it was not live; it was recorded at The London Studios on the night before it was broadcast on Channel 4. When the show became The Sunday Night Project, the show retained its Thursday night taping schedule.
Episode 1 - Show 1: Peter and Katie
Release Date: 2008-06-08Woo-hoo! FNP may now be SNP, but it still features the same high octane shenanigans and a variety of ace celebrities. Last week's guest hosts were Peter Andre and his none too mysterious girl Katie Price. Playing the tunes were lairy indie rockers The Courteeners...
Episode 2 - Show 2: Pamela Anderson
Release Date: 2008-06-16The Baywatch babe to beat all Baywatch babes Pamela Anderson nearly turns Alan, Paul Daniels shows sleight of tongue more than sleight of hand, a supermodel provides the singing with Five O'Clock Heroes, and Justin reveals a long-standing affair with our guest of honour.
Episode 3 - Show 3: Mark Ronson
Release Date: 2008-06-23Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr are joined by chart-topping music producer Mark Ronson, who takes part in performing themed comedy sketches and tailor-made games before inviting the comic duo into his unique world of celebrity intrigue.
Episode 4 - Show 4: Boyzone
Release Date: 2008-06-29Tonight, Boyzone join presenters Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr to guest host, providing an opening monologue before inviting Alan and Justin to delve into their unique world of celebrity and facing a no-questions-barred session from the studio audience.
Episode 5 - Show 5: David Hasselhoff
Release Date: 2008-07-06David Hasselhoff joins presenters Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr for the usual mix of sketches, news and audience interaction.
Episode 6 - Show 6: Barbara Windsor
Release Date: 2008-07-13Eastenders star and Carry On legend Barbara Windsor joins presenters Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr for the usual mix of sketches, news and audience interaction.
Episode 7 - Show 7: Will Young
Release Date: 2008-07-21Entertainment and comedy series. Will Young joins presenters Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr for the usual mix of sketches, news and audience interaction.