A man transfers to New Zealand's Royal Navy in Auckland to set down roots.
After 16 hectic years, countless missions, and plenty of uprooting, Andrew Curlewis is calling it quits with Britain's Royal Navy. He and wife Claire are making one final transfer to New Zealand's Royal Navy in Auckland so their family of 4 can set down roots. After years in flux, they're looking for beaches, family atmosphere, and a short commute down to the naval base. They think they've found it in Auckland's North Shore, but real estate agent Debbi Lyons brings bad news: their 1 million budget won't exactly go far in this highly coveted area. The need to spend more creates conflict just when the Curlewis family was hoping to put their life of uncertainty behind them. Will Andrew and Claire give up their hope for a short commute or break the bank to get their dream off the ground? It's all about compromise when House Hunters International immigrates to Auckland, New Zealand.
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- Country: US
- Language: English
- Runtime: 23