Duet (1987)

Duet is an American sitcom that aired on Fox from April 19, 1987 to August 20, 1989. The series stars Matthew Laurance as Ben Coleman, Mary Page Keller as Laura Kelly, Chris Lemmon as Richard Phillips, and Alison LaPlaca as Linda Phillips. The series was created by Ruth Bennett and Susan Seeger, and was produced by Paramount Television.

Release Date: 1987-04-19
Seasons: 1 2 3
themoviedb icon 5.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 30
Chris Lemmon
Chris Lemmon
Richard Phillips
Matthew Laurance
Matthew Laura...
Ben Coleman
Mary Page Keller
Mary Page Kel...
Laura Kelly
Larry Poindexter
Larry Poindex...
Cooper Hayden
Julius Carry
Julius Carry
Alison La Placa
Alison La Pla...
Linda Phillips
Arleen Sorkin
Arleen Sorkin
Jodi Thelen
Jodi Thelen
Jane Kelly
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