Ink Master: Redemption (2015)
In "Ink Master: Redemption," human canvases from previous "Ink Master" seasons, who left unhappy with their tattoos, return to the shop for a chance at new ink. Each episode will feature a different twist, including the risk that your tattoo artist is the same one who gave you the original tattoo.
Episode 1 - Triple Threat
Release Date: 2016-03-01Kito is faced with not 1 but 3 unhappy canvases, including one the most infamous canvases of all time.
Episode 2 - Two Right Feet
Release Date: 2016-03-08James Vaughn returns to redeem one of the most infamous pin up mistakes in Ink Master history.
Episode 3 - Behind Every Inked Man...
Release Date: 2016-03-15Unhappy canvases bring back-up to face their artists Ashley B. and Ally Lee in the Ink Master shop.
Episode 4 - Cheetah Print Pain
Release Date: 2016-03-22After a canvas tapped out, Big Ceeze, Chris Blinston, Dave Clark and Katie McGowan seek a second chance.
Episode 5 - Stained Glass From The Past
Release Date: 2016-03-29Sarah Miller returns to call out Steve Tefft while Miami Burgess returns to call out Big Ceeze.
Episode 6 - The Witch Is Back
Release Date: 2016-04-05The self-proclaimed wicked witch of Ink Master Emily Elegado returns to redeem three unhappy canvases.
Episode 7 - Two Heads Are Better
Release Date: 2016-04-12Duffy Fortner is back for Redemption with help from Kruseman while rivals Cris Element and Angel return.
Episode 8 - Reinking History
Release Date: 2016-04-19St. Marq and Ty'Esha Reels return to the Ink Master shop to fix their unhappy canvases’ tattoos.
Episode 9 - You Get What You Pay For
Release Date: 2016-04-26Things get rough when Gentle Jay returns to the shop to face not one but three unhappy canvases.
Episode 10 - Inked in Honor
Release Date: 2016-05-03Honor is on the line as Lydia Bruno and Lalo return to redeem their mistakes on unhappy veteran canvases.
Episode 11 - Spousal Support
Release Date: 2016-05-10Jesse Smith and Clint Cummings return to face unhappy canvases and their bitter better-halves.
Episode 12 - Nice Guys Finish Last?
Release Date: 2016-05-17Customer service is tested when Randy Vollink & Mark Longenecker are confronted by their unhappy canvases.