SBS Drama Awards (1992)
The hottest actors, producers, and writers gather together to celebrate the end of the year at the 2017 SBS Drama Awards. In 2017, there were many dramas that captured the heart of the viewers. What will be the show that has been loved the most by viewers? And who will be the best actor of 2017?
Season 31 Episode List
Episode 1 - Part 1
Release Date: 2023-12-29The 2023 SBS Drama Awards takes place to honor the dramas and actors who gave their best in the past year! Awards including Best Rookie Award, Teenager Award, and Supporting Role Award will be announced in Part One. Besides, TOMORROW X TOGETHER and Hwasa will also have exciting and moving performances. Stay tuned!
Episode 2 - Part 2
Release Date: 2023-12-29 -
Episode 3 - Part 3
Release Date: 2023-12-29