Sheep in the Big City (2000)
Sheep in the Big City is an American animated television series which ran on Cartoon Network for two seasons, from November 17, 2000, to April 7, 2002. The series' pilot first premiered as part of Cartoon Network's "Cartoon Cartoon Summer" on August 18, 2000. Created by Mo Willems, the bulk of the show follows a runaway sheep, Sheep, in its new life in "the Big City". It also features several unrelated sketches and shorts, similar to The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show. With an emphasis on more "sophisticated" humor, using multiple forms of rhetoric from the characters to the plots, it was more popular with older audiences. It was also unusual in featuring many comic references to film-making and television broadcasting. At the time, the premiere of Sheep in the Big City was the highest-rated premiere for a Cartoon Network original series.
Episode 1 - In the Baa-ginning
Release Date: 2000-11-04Sheep decides to leave Farmer Brown in pursuit of a happy life in the Big City. Little does he know that from now on he will be chased by a secret military organization.
Episode 2 - Be Still My Bleating Heart
Release Date: 2000-11-17Sheep falls in love with a poodle called Swanky, and coincidentally, Swanky's owner hates sheeps.
Episode 3 - To Bleat or Not to Bleat
Release Date: 2000-11-24A girl called Lisa Rental saves Sheep from General Specific so that she can keep him as a pet.
Episode 4 - Belle of the Baaah
Release Date: 2000-12-01Sheep gets more than he bargained for when he accidentally swallows a diamond and receives much of the town's adoration and attention.
Episode 5 - Going Off the Sheep End
Release Date: 2000-12-08While Sheep tries to grab Swanky's attention by making unnecessary changes to himself, the Angry Scientist comes up with less-than-foolproof and idiotic plans to capture Sheep.
Episode 6 - Home for the Baa-lidays
Release Date: 2000-12-29Sheep returns to the farm for the holidays.
Episode 7 - Can't Live Without Ewe
Release Date: 2001-01-12While Sheep goes into a fake sheep convention set up by the military wearing a mustache, Farmer John misses him, and hires The German Sheperd to bring Sheep home.
Episode 8 - 15 Muttons of Fame (aka They'll Flock to See Ewe)
Release Date: 2001-01-26When an agent for a dishwashing commercial discovers Sheep, Sheep decides to become a model to avoid General Specific. However, he might have to give up his friends.
Episode 9 - The Agony of De-Bleat
Release Date: 2001-03-02When General Specific actually captures Sheep, he fires all of the people that work at the Secret Military Base. However, the crew decide to free Sheep to get their jobs back.
Episode 10 - Baa-ck In Time
Release Date: 2001-03-23Sheep escapes through time to find a better life.
Episode 11 - Fleeced to Meet You
Release Date: 2001-06-10General Specific hires X-Agent to befriend Sheep and entrap him so they can use him for the sheep powered ray gun. X-Agent successfully entraps Sheep but later changes his mind because he realizes that friendship with Sheep mattered more.
Episode 12 - A Star Is Shorn
Release Date: 2001-06-24Sheep gets a job in a hip club as a waiter but soon General Specific finds him and almost knocks over the plates sheep was carrying. Sheep catches the plates and starts spinning them hypnotizing General Specific and while this happens Farmer John appears and convinces Sheep to go pro with his plate spinning act.
Episode 13 - Mistaken Identi-sheep
Release Date: 2001-07-08A sheep-like creature robs the town, while Sheep is blamed.
Episode 14 - To Sheep, Perchance to Dream
Release Date: 2001-07-29This episode is all about the nightmares of people in the Big City.