Frankie Blair Presents: Laugh Riot (2025)

Frankie Blair Presents: Laugh Riot is an American stand-up comedy series hosted by the charismatic comedian Tahir Moore. The show brings together a diverse lineup of both rising stars and seasoned comics, curated by talented producer Frankie Blair. Each episode promises a vibrant, high-energy atmosphere that captures the essence of a true comedy club experience, featuring a fresh mix of hilarious perspectives and side-splitting performances.

  • Frankie Blair

Release Date: 2025-02-28
Seasons: 1
  • Country: US
  • Language: en
Sherwin Arae
Sherwin Arae
Self - Comedian
Tahir Moore
Tahir Moore
Self - Host
Frankie Blair
Frankie Blair
Self - Director/Producer
Heidi Heaslet
Heidi Heaslet
Self - Comedian
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