Ojamajo Doremi (1999)
Ojamajo Doremi, known as Magical DoReMi internationally, is a magical girl anime television series created by Toei Animation in 1999. It focuses on elementary school students who become witch apprentices. Led by Doremi Harukaze, the girls must maintain their double lives in secret. Ojamajo Doremi has been followed up by three direct sequels, lasting until its end in 2003. During the television series' runtime, two companion films were released in theaters. The English dub, produced by 4Kids Entertainment, released a preview episode in the US airing on August 13, 2005, and the first episode on September 10, 2005.
Episode 1 - I'm Doremi! Becoming an Apprentice Witch!!
Release Date: 1999-02-07Doremi Harukaze comes across a magic shop and calls out the owner, Majorika, for being a witch, turning the latter into a witch frog. Now, she must become a witch apprentice herself to return Majorika to her normal self.
Episode 2 - I Become Hazuki-chan!
Release Date: 1999-02-14Doremi and her best friend Hazuki Fujiwara want to swap lives for a day, as they both feel that the other is luckier. However, this leads to a few consequences.
Episode 3 - The Transfer Student From Naniwa! Aiko Appears
Release Date: 1999-02-21A new girl named Aiko Senōō from Osaka transfers to Doremi's class and unintentionally upsets Doremi and Hazuki at first. Once Doremi gets to know her, she befriends her and tries to find ways to cheer her up on Parents' Day at school.
Episode 4 - Everyone's a Witch, So There's Nothing to Fear
Release Date: 1999-02-28Hazuki and Aiko find out Doremi's secret of being a witch apprentice after the stunt she pulls on Parents' Day, so they must also become witch apprentices to protect Doremi. The three girls redecorate the magic shop with a more cheerful design after Doremi accidentally destroys the shop.
Episode 5 - Grand Re-Opening! MAHO-dou
Release Date: 1999-03-07After fixing up the magic shop and dubbing it Mahōdō, the girls await their first customers and are visited by a singing witch wholesaler Dela.
Episode 6 - A Lie is the Beginning of Friendship
Release Date: 1999-03-14Nobuko Yokokawa is a liar in the girls' class, but nevertheless amuses everyone with her imaginative stories. When Aiko believes in her and realizes she lied, she becomes very hurt.
Episode 7 - Aim for Level 9! Witch Exam
Release Date: 1999-03-21The three girls prepare to take their first witch exam, but Doremi must spend the day supervising her younger sister Pop. Pop wants to go to her grandparent's house by train by herself. When it comes to exam time, Hazuki and Aiko earn fairies for passing the exam. Doremi fails the exam, so she doesn't get a fairy.
Episode 8 - Going to the Witch World!!
Release Date: 1999-03-28After failing to pass the level 9 exam, Doremi is given another chance. Her goal is to find medicine for Motamota. Luckily, Doremi passes and gets her fairy, but she does it with the help of Aiko and Hazuki, who come to see her out of worry.
Episode 9 - Where Did You Go!? Fairy Dodo
Release Date: 1999-04-04Doremi's fairy Dodo runs off after being scolded, so the girls use their new magic spell, Magical Stage, to try and find her.
Episode 10 - In a Pinch! The Teachers Found Out!!
Release Date: 1999-04-11Miss Seki and the vice principal drop by the magic shop after photos of the girls working there arise.
Episode 11 - Early Rising Girl Marina and Heart's Bouquet
Release Date: 1999-04-18After being insulted by Takao Kimura, Marina Koizumi refuses to take care of the school's flowers. Hazuki is determined to help Marina realize Kimura is remorseful.
Episode 12 - Wishes of the Beloved Shirt
Release Date: 1999-04-25A young boy named Misaki Shibayama trades in his favorite shirt to get a charm to help his older brother Daichi play in a soccer game.
Episode 13 - Everyone Fails!? Level 8 Exam
Release Date: 1999-05-02The girls take the Level 8 Exam in which they have three hours to clear three obstacles unknowingly chosen beforehand.
Episode 14 - If You Laugh, Will You Forgive Me!?
Release Date: 1999-05-09Majorika gets purchased by Pop. Pop treats Majorika like a plush toy and she takes her to school one day.
Episode 15 - Majorika Goes to Kindergarten
Release Date: 1999-05-16Majorika gets purchased by Pop. Pop treats Majorika like a plush toy and she takes her to school one day.
Episode 16 - Love Will Be Hooked
Release Date: 1999-05-23Doremi's father takes her and her friends on a fishing trip with a young boy who shares his passion.
Episode 17 - Yada-kun is an Elementary School Delinquent!?
Release Date: 1999-05-30Masaru Yada gets arrested, and no one else besides Hazuki and Miss Seki believes that he did nothing wrong. With Miss Seki's job on the line, Doremi, Hazuki and Aiko use their magic to find out if the rumors behind Yada are true.
Episode 18 - Don't Do It! Forbidden Magic
Release Date: 1999-06-06After a fluke grants them immediate success on the Level 7 Exam, the girls find out that Nanako Okada refuses to take care of the school's rabbits and use their new powers to find out why. They learn that Nanako once lost her puppy and is afraid to have another pet because she thinks the same thing might happen.
Episode 19 - Hazuki-chan is Kidnapped!
Release Date: 1999-06-13On the last day without magic for breaking the laws of the Witch World, Hazuki is kidnapped by two conmen and only Doremi and Aiko can rescue her.
Episode 20 - A Rival Appears! The MAHO-dou's Big Pinch!!
Release Date: 1999-06-20Majorika loses her shop to Dela in a card game, and her arch-rival Majoruka takes over.
Episode 21 - Majoruka's Goods Are Full of Danger
Release Date: 1999-06-27After noticing that the people around them are becoming ill due to Majoruka's charms, Aiko, Doremi, and Hazuki use their magic to break the spell.
Episode 22 - The Road to Level 6 Ojamajo is Far Away!?
Release Date: 1999-07-04With the shop under enemy control, the girls must find a way to get in to take their Level 6 Exam.
Episode 23 - Big Change!? The Ojamajos Test
Release Date: 1999-07-11After her father gives Aiko a new harmonica and decides to throw away the old, cherished one, she runs off to Hazuki's house. There, they find an extra magic bead, which they use to gain entrance to their exam.
Episode 24 - Majorika Versus Level 6 Ojamajo!
Release Date: 1999-07-18The girls get a hold of Majoruka's crystal ball and are challenged to a magical duel for control of the shop.
Episode 25 - Ojamajo Poppu Appears!?
Release Date: 1999-07-25Pop is appointed as a witch apprentice after witnessing her sister and friends perform magic. She uses magic to create ghosts at her kindergarten sleepover, and Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko help clean up her mess.
Episode 26 - We're Pureleine!
Release Date: 1999-08-01When returning the injured Kanae Īda to her father's steak shop, Doremi and the others discover the pall of bad luck covering the place and set out to uncover the mystery. They are appointed as Pureleine by the Queen to capture Bad Cards, as they have hearts pure enough to be able to do so.
Episode 27 - Oyajiide Has Arrived!?
Release Date: 1999-08-08The girls receive the Purelein Personal Computer from the Queen to capture the Bad Cards that exist in the Human World. Upon start-up, they are introduced to Oyajīde, the captive wizard who let loose the cards.
Episode 28 - Love is a Windy Ride Over a Plateau
Release Date: 1999-08-15Doremi comes across a cute tennis player named Yutaka Kashiwag at Hazuki's summer house and falls head over heels for him, but her snobby classmate Reika Tamaki also has an eye on him.
Episode 29 - The Tap Disappears at the Summer Festival!
Release Date: 1999-08-22Doremi accidentally loses her tap at the Summer Festival.
Episode 30 - I Want to See a Ghost!
Release Date: 1999-08-29Doremi, Hazuki, Aiko, and their classmates head to Nobuaki Yamauchi's temple to share ghost stories and test their courage.
Episode 31 - The Present from Mongolia
Release Date: 1999-09-05Upon returning to school from summer vacation, the girls become interested in their classmate Shino Hanada's trip to Mongolia. At the same time, they are due to take the Level 5 Exam.
Episode 32 - Overthrow Tamaki! The Class Representative Election
Release Date: 1999-09-12Masaharu Miyamoto, with the support of Doremi and her friends, challenges Tamaki's bid for class president.
Episode 33 - The Sports Festival Full of Panic!
Release Date: 1999-09-19It's the day of the school's Sports Festival, but trouble begins to plague the events.
Episode 34 - I Want to See My Mother!
Release Date: 1999-09-26Aiko's mother comes to visit, but she is unable to face her daughter. Upon finding out, Aiko heads to her mother's house in Hannan City to meet her.
Episode 35 - The Transfer Student is an Apprentice Witch!?
Release Date: 1999-10-03The famous pop star and child actress Onpu Segawa becomes the new student in class. After a local audition, the girls find out that she is a witch apprentice under Majoruka.
Episode 36 - Level 4 Exam is DO DO DO DO DO-!
Release Date: 1999-10-10For the Level 4 Exam, the witch apprentices must race the Witch World's fastest hare and tortoise through an obstacle course.
Episode 37 - There's a Lot of Witch-Frogs!
Release Date: 1999-10-17An intense storm in the Witch World blows a group of magic frogs into the Human World, and the girls must return them before anyone finds out.
Episode 38 - Ryouta and the Midnight Monster
Release Date: 1999-10-24Ryōta Hayashi is obsessed with monsters, specifically Gazamadon, and everyone scolds him for it. He becomes so upset, he puts all his monster goods away.
Episode 39 - Doremi's Boyfriend is in Junior High!
Release Date: 1999-10-31When Maki Higuchi's brother in middle school, Shūzou Higuchi, sees Onpu in her witch apprentice outfit, she uses her magic to make him fall in love with someone else, which turns out to be Doremi.
Episode 40 - Doremi Quits? Level 3 Exam
Release Date: 1999-11-14The girls go to take the Level 3 Exam, hoping to pass so they can be granted each a seedling that eventually sprouts into a tree and yields an endless supply of magic spheres. Surprisingly, the exam is one they will have to take separately. They each must pass through a door into their own world to encounter a series of events that will test their own individual strengths and are only allowed to use magic twice. The girls also must also complete the exam in one hour or else they will fail.
Episode 41 - Father and Child - Moving to Victory!
Release Date: 1999-11-21Shōta Taniyama loves the game shogi and is able to defeat the vice-principal, but his parents are against his desire to play. With the help of Miss Seki, they allow him to play in an upcoming tournament. Taniyama makes it to the final round but becomes nervous whenever he touches a certain piece. Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko use this clue to identify the presence of a Bad Card.
Episode 42 - The Ojamajo Fight for Justice!?
Release Date: 1999-11-28Kōta Amano, a boy obsessed with hero shows, is challenged to a fight by an upperclassman, who mistakenly believes he is dating Onpu.
Episode 43 - Papa, Fireworks, and Tearful Memories
Release Date: 1999-12-05Tamaki decides to run away after thinking her father doesn't care because he never punishes her. She is accompanied by Shiori Nakayama, who has been out of school due to illness and also has problems with her father.
Episode 44 - I Want to Be a Female Pro-Wrestler!
Release Date: 1999-12-12Mutsumi Kudō, the strongest fighter in class, looks up to professional wrestler Candy Itō but becomes disappointed when she announces a possible retirement.
Episode 45 - Save Santa!
Release Date: 1999-12-19An ailing Santa Claus enlists the help of Doremi and the girls to deliver presents.
Episode 46 - The Witches’ Hidden Talent Show!
Release Date: 1999-12-26The girls help Michiaki Watabe with his magic show when his father is unable to. For the Level 2 Exam, Doremi and friends are given the task of entertaining a group of witches at a talent show.
Episode 47 - Father's Coorespondance
Release Date: 2000-01-02Aiko's father's boss arranges a meeting with his daughter Midori for a possible marriage, but Aiko is not ready for another mother.
Episode 48 - Onpu's Mail is a Love Letter?
Release Date: 2000-01-09Gōji Nakata becomes one of the many victims of a prank e-mail sent by Hehe asking for a date with Onpu.
Episode 49 - Meeting Papa! Dream Placed on Limited Express
Release Date: 2000-01-16Onpu's father, whom Onpu hasn't seen in six months, is conducting a new express train. So, she tries to get through her audition to meet him before he leaves again.
Episode 50 - The Last Witch Apprentice Exam
Release Date: 2000-01-23The Level 1 Exam gives the girls the task of using magic to help someone and receiving thanks. However, things take a turn for the worse when their secret is discovered and spread around town.
Episode 51 - Good-bye MAHO-dou
Release Date: 2000-01-30Onpu uses her magic to make everyone forget about what they discovered but is punished into a hundred-year sleep because of it. Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko must decide if they will give up being witches to save their friend.