Behind Closed Doors (1958)
Behind Closed Doors is an American drama series set during the Cold War hosted by and occasionally starring Bruce Gordon in the role of Commander Matson. The series, which aired on NBC from October 2, 1958, to April 9, 1959, focuses, among other themes, on how the former Soviet Union stole American missile secrets and proposes steps to prevent further espionage. Behind Closed Doors is based on the files and experiences of Rear Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias, who offers comments at the end of each segment. Behind Closed Doors, a Screen Gems production, replaced Jackie Cooper's sitcom The People's Choice, followed the NBC quiz show, Twenty-One, and preceded the The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show. Its competition was The Pat Boone Chevy Show on ABC and Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater western anthology series on CBS.
Episode 1 - The Cape Canaveral Story
Release Date: 1958-10-02Wayne Hollister, a Florida fisherman, is approached by a Mr. Meyers who rents his boat for one day and demands to be taken to the waters off Cape Canaveral, not to fish, but to watch a rocket launching.
Episode 2 - Flight to Freedom
Release Date: 1958-10-09Brauer, a German scientist is held prisoner by the communists. The German scientist, forced to serve Russia’s guided missile program, attempts an escape when he sees his associate turned into a "human vegetable" by brain surgery.
Episode 3 - Double Jeopardy
Release Date: 1958-10-16British and U.S. intelligence agents learn that the Soviet ambassador to the U.N. is scheduled to arrive in London and divulge the Russian's new tactics to the Russian embassy there. The Allies try to plant a recording device in the embassy and ask a staid Britisher to help them.
Episode 4 - Mig 9
Release Date: 1958-10-23Lt. Tarkhanov, a Russian test pilot, sent to Germany on secret mission is hampered by Russian agents. The Russian Air Force lieutenant who wants to defect to the West, arranges to fly out the latest Rusian Mig jet to an American Air Force base in Germany.
Episode 5 - Trouble in Test Cell 19
Release Date: 1958-10-30A new jet engine that is being tested for its suitability for mass production blows up on the final test. Exam of the wreckage shows evidence of sabotage. U.S. Intelligence agents try to find the sabateur.
Episode 6 - Man in the Moon
Release Date: 1958-11-06Clara Koller, a widow, has the important job of handling the budget of a manufacturing company engaged in a secret government project. When she is asked to join a friendship club she accepts, unaware that the club is a front for enemy agents.
Episode 7 - The Nike Story
Release Date: 1958-11-13Captain John Benson is sent to investigate when a fellow officer is murdered trying to trap an enemy agent on a missile base. Benson arranges to hold open house at the base in an attempt to capture the entire ring of agents at the base.
Episode 8 - It Was Learned on High Authority
Release Date: 1958-11-27Fred Lang, an enemy agent, works as an engineer on a missile base in Los Angeles. He learns that a group of scientists is scheduled to fly to Cape Canaveral and is ordered to place a bomb on the plane.
Episode 9 - The Enemy on the Flank
Release Date: 1958-12-04U.S. Intelligence men learn that a U.S.S.R. sub operating from a base in Albania plan to interfere with movements of the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. Two agents are assigned to get information re the U.S.S.R. plans.
Episode 10 - A Cover of Art
Release Date: 1958-12-11Commander Matson enters Czechoslovakia disguised as an art dealer, part of a plan to get atomic scientist Andrew Fleming out of the country. Tension mounts as the time of Fleming's trial nears and Matson has to call upon a group of Czech resistance fighters for help.
Episode 11 - The Middle East Story
Release Date: 1958-12-18Jessica Tabor overhears a plot to assassinate King Hussein of Jordan and turns to secret agents James Foster and Harry Shaw to help forward information to Jordan and put the King out of danger.
Episode 12 - The Brioni Story
Release Date: 1958-12-25This episode tells of an American secret operative (Sheldon Lawrence) who uncovers a plot to assassinate Marshal Tito and is warned to beware of a sculptress (Jeanette Strike.).
Episode 13 - The Obelisk
Release Date: 1959-01-01A British atomic scientist steals important papers and heads for the moors, where he is to meet a U.S.S.R. helicopter.
Episode 14 - The Germany Story
Release Date: 1959-01-08A Dr. Haas has set himself up as head of German fencing society, whose youthful members he uses to further his own subversive plans. Peter Gebhardt joins in an attempt to learn of plans to establish a new regime.
Episode 15 - The Alkaloid Angle
Release Date: 1959-01-22During an investigation of a shipment of narcotics to a Mid East port, a U.S. agent is killed. Agent Robert Hatfield, called out of retirement to work on the case, learns that a traitor has revealed his identity to the Communists.
Episode 16 - Crypto 40
Release Date: 1959-01-29Scientist David Sparrow, developer of a code machine, is captured and held behind the Iron Curtain. Realizing that Sparrow will be forced to make a similar machine for the U.S.S.R., Captain Early devises a rescue scheme.
Episode 17 - The Alaskan Story
Release Date: 1959-02-05Attempting to break up a Communist spy ring in Alaska, Captain John Rand enters the penitentiary as a prisoner to become friendly with a Red agent, help him to escape in the hope that he will lead Rand to other members of the ring.
Episode 18 - The Quemoy Story
Release Date: 1959-02-12In Macao, Anna Sung, a U.S. agent, is kidnapped by the Reds. Searching for her, Commander Bennett and Mike Perrera, a local police detective, come across a plan to infiltrate and capture Quemoy Island.
Episode 19 - The Espionage Students
Release Date: 1959-02-19 -
Episode 20 - The Geneva Story
Release Date: 1959-02-26A former Soviet official is released from prison to represent the U.S.S.R. at the Geneva arms conference. U.S. agent Nick Blake is assigned to learn why.
Episode 21 - The Meeting
Release Date: 1959-03-05U.S. spies learn that a new chief of the U.S.S.R. secret police has been appointed. Agent Ralph Drake goes to Austria to meet with Western agents from six Iron Curtain countries.
Episode 22 - Mightier Than the Sword
Release Date: 1959-03-12U.S. agent Douglas Kincaid joins the Communist Party and learns that Feodor Mashay, once a top Kremlin official, wants to defect. Kincaid is assigned to help Mashay escape.
Episode 23 - The Gamble
Release Date: 1959-03-19 -
Episode 24 - Double Agent
Release Date: 1959-03-26A British counterintelligence agent tries to track down a spy working for both East and West who is responsible for the shipment of arms to western sympathizers behind the Iron Curtain.
Episode 25 - The Antidote
Release Date: 1959-04-02Dr. Paul Matley, inventor of a radiation antidote and his wife Laura, are at a night club when Laura is poisoned by Communist agents. Matley is told that Laura will be saved only if he turns over the antidote.
Episode 26 - Assignment Prague
Release Date: 1959-04-09In Warsaw, an anti-Communist uprising has somehow gone unreported in the West. A U.S. agent posing as a former American film director recruited by the Commies to direct propaganda films in Poland, has, along with his crew, compiled a documentary film about the rebellion and is trying to smuggle it to the West where it can be shown at the U.N.