The Bug Diaries (2019)
An animated comedy series that follows a comic trio of slimy, crawly, and buzzy bug friends whose tiny world offers up huge adventures.
Episode 1 - Canine Cruise
Release Date: 2019-04-12When Mookie the dog knocks over the schoolhouse, Fly comes up with a daring plan to get him to stop.
Episode 2 - House Spider
Release Date: 2019-04-12Fly inadvertently finds herself at an amazingly wonderful place filled with flies - the city dump! She makes a friend that is just like her and they have lots of fly-friendly fun, but she soon misses Worm and Spider and comes to appreciate their differences.
Episode 3 - Fly's Picnic Problem
Release Date: 2019-04-12Fly accidentally flies into a tree, and though she isn't injured, she's so unnerved by the event that she becomes afraid to fly. Meanwhile, Spider and Worm decide they want to be great inventors.
Episode 4 - Worm's New Digs
Release Date: 2019-04-12Fly and Spider help their friend Worm try to search for the perfect underground space for his new bedroom.
Episode 5 - Dump Of Dreams
Release Date: 2019-04-12Fly inadvertently finds herself at an amazingly wonderful place filled with flies - the city dump! She makes a friend that is just like her and they have lots of fly-friendly fun, but she soon misses Worm and Spider and comes to appreciate their differences.