Transformers: Energon (2004)
The show takes place ten years after the finale of Armada, opening in an age of peace on Cybertron and Earth which is destined not to last long. Energon pits the Autobots against an array of villains: the reborn Megatron , the barely functional Unicron, and the mysterious Alpha Q and his Terrorcon minions.
Episode 1 - Cybertron City
Release Date: 2004-01-09Ten years have passed since the Armada battles. The Autobots and Decepticons work side by side with humans to harvest Energon. But trouble is brewing with recent attacks by a group of transformers known as Terrorcons. Can the Autobots meet the threat?
Episode 2 - Energron Stars
Release Date: 2004-01-16The Autobots prepare for the Terrorcons' second strike, but it's not where they expected.
Episode 3 - Scorponok
Release Date: 2004-01-23At Desert City, the Autobots fend off the first Terrorcon attack against Earth.
Episode 4 - Megatron's Sword
Release Date: 2004-01-30The survivors on Mars are attacked again, but the Autobots must turn their attention elsewhere.
Episode 5 - The New Cybertron City
Release Date: 2004-02-06An Energon scout team on a frozen mountain is the target of the latest Terrorcon attack!
Episode 6 - Megatron Resurrected
Release Date: 2004-02-13At various Cyber Cites the Transformers have set up defensive traps to stop the Terrorcons from stealing Energon. It appears the Autobots have won as their enemies retreat, but as they head back to regroup, Cyclonus, Tidal Wave and Scorponok begin to bicker around Megatron who still lies in his coma. Suddenly, he begins to come to life. Scorponok is outraged at this and whines to Megatron about him stealing all the Energon for himself.
Episode 7 - Megatron Raid
Release Date: 2004-02-20After seeing what Megatron did to Hot Shot, the Autobots end up in a stand off with the Decepticons. Megatron taunts Optimus Prime but allows the Autobots to withdraw without a skirmish. Back at Ocean City, Hot Shot is lowered into an Energon pool for repairs while the Omnicons begin making duplicates of Megatron’s sword. A space bridge is detected near the city and the Autobots fly into action.
Episode 8 - Starscream the Mysterious Mercenary
Release Date: 2004-02-27A mysterious phantom assassin stalks Optimus Prime. Can Kicker and the Autobots protect Optimus and unmask the assassin before it is too late?
Episode 9 - Battle of The Asteroid Belt
Release Date: 2004-03-05The Decepticons manage to hit Asteroid City and Lunar City at the same time.
Episode 10 - Energon Tower
Release Date: 2004-03-12The remains of Unicron are finally shown and then the Decepticons attack ocean city only to discover that the Autobots have an Energon tower which activates during the battle. The Energon tower destroys all the Terrorcons and injures for the Decepticons, forcing Megatron to retreat.
Episode 11 - The Legend of Rodimus
Release Date: 2004-03-19Alpha Q prepares to bring Unicron to life, while yet another Energon Tower is secured into place. Below the city, Kicker searches for more Energon with Ironhide, but has trouble because of a similar experience during his childhood. In turn, Ironhide tells Kicker about a legendary transformer named Rodimus, who was an inspirational leader that rallied a group of Autobots to escape the war and create a new world.
Episode 12 - Crisis In Jungle City
Release Date: 2004-03-26A massive attack on Jungle City drives the Autobot troops to carry out a desperate last-ditch plan.
Episode 13 - Kicker Beware
Release Date: 2004-04-02Kicker and the Autobots make a series of startling discoveries amid the ruins of Lunar City.
Episode 14 - Energon Grid
Release Date: 2004-04-09Megatron has taken yet another plan, to create three meteors from Unicron and propel them at Earth before the Energon grid has been completed. Dr. Jones notices Desert City's Energon tower has a fault, rendering the Energon Grid useless. Meanwhile, the meteors enter Earth's atmosphere, but one is destroyed by Rodimus, aided by more mysterious Blackout drones.
Episode 15 - Rodimus: Friend or Foe
Release Date: 2004-04-16While Snow Cat tests his Hyper Power against the Energon Grid, Megatron decides to go after Alpha Q instead of Earth after finding a Terrorcon spy. On Earth, the Autobots celebrate the Energon Grid, but Optimus calls a conference, telling him the Autobots will have to move their battle into space to defeat Unicron and the Decepticons.
Episode 16 - Go For Unicron
Release Date: 2004-04-23Carlos reports the locators on the two Terrorcons have concluded that the enemy has two bases (Megatron and Alpha Q), while Megatron's plan doesn't succeed as Team Rodimus comes to rescue Scorponok. After the report, Dr. Jones is unveiling a new starship to increase Energon production, named the Miranda II. Optimus reveals their mission is twofold: they are also going to destroy Unicron, and they prepare to set up a space bridge.
Episode 17 - The Return of Demolisher
Release Date: 2004-05-07Following Kicker's Energon instinct, the Cybertron land on a frozen planet, and soon become stranded.
Episode 18 - A Tale of Two Heroes
Release Date: 2004-04-30Escalating tensions reach their boiling point as Optimus Prime and Rodimus clash over difference of their ideals over the menace of Unicron!
Episode 19 - Battle Stations
Release Date: 2004-05-07Unicron’s body is rapidly reviving, much to Megatron’s delight. Optimus Prime pilots the Miranda II into Unicron’s body in an attempt to destroy it from the inside, but Unicron attempts to crush the Autobots and their ship!
Episode 20 - Alpha Q: Identity
Release Date: 2004-05-14Kicker confronts Alpha Q deep within Unicron, mangning to get the Quintesson to expose his secrets and origins.
Episode 21 - Shockblast: Rampage
Release Date: 2004-05-28As the Autobots scramble to defeat the Decepticons, the sadistic Shockblast is released from captivity on Cybertron.
Episode 22 - Survival Instincts
Release Date: 2004-06-04Several Decepticon spaceships manage to escape Cybertron and arrive at Unicron’s body where Megatron surveys his forces. Over in Unicron’s head, Optimus Prime meets with Alpha Q.
Episode 23 - Each One Fights...
Release Date: 2004-06-11Megatron is plotting to feed Cybertron to Unicron! The Decepticon army is battered and Shockblast forms an elite unit of those few who are intact. Optimus Prime and Rodimus team up and head off to defend Cybertron, leaving Kicker to deal with the injured Alpha Q.
Episode 24 - Unicron Unleashed
Release Date: 2004-06-18The battle continues on Cybertron as Optimus Prime and Rodimus once again act as one team. The Decepticons are able to cause more tears in the Energon grid, allowing Megatron to swoop down with the Terrorcons, bent on stealing the Energon from the core.
Episode 25 - Open Fire!
Release Date: 2004-06-25Megatron and Optimus Prime are set to face off in a final showdown - until Shockblast interferes.
Episode 26 - Ripped Up Space
Release Date: 2004-07-09Using Unicron, Megatron has discovered a powerful source of energy: Super Energon. By immersing himself in the liquid, he is transformed into Galvatron, with a new purple armor which makes him impervious to all forms of firepower. Doing this, he awakens the guardians of the Energon, who chose to join him- Constructicon and Bruticus Maximus. However, the third guardian, Superion Maximus, escapes so he sends his new minions after him.
Episode 27 - Team Optimus Prime
Release Date: 2004-07-09Recap episode. Megatron escapes into a black hole and Optimus Prime decides to give chase, even though he doesn’t know what he will find on the other side. Kicker joins his Autobot friends on their mission and pilots the Miranda II into the black hole. Meanwhile back on Earth, Dr. Jones monitors the situation and ignores the government agents who want to speak with him about his involvement with Earth’s Energon reserves.
Episode 28 - Protection
Release Date: 2004-07-16On the other side of the rip, the Autobots must now defend a whole new set of planets, and Wing Saber finally gets the chance to re-capture his prisoner.
Episode 29 - Imprisoned Inferno
Release Date: 2004-07-23Ambushed and alone, Inferno is taken to his limits and beyond by Galvatron
Episode 30 - Jungle Planet
Release Date: 2004-07-30Team Bulkhead searches for the Autobots, while Kicker and Ironhide search for Inferno on the Jungle Planet.
Episode 31 - Bulkhead
Release Date: 2004-08-06The Autobots go to put up an Energon tower on Jungle planet but Megatron isn't going to let that happen without a fight.
Episode 32 - Farewell Inferno
Release Date: 2004-08-13Inferno uses his Decepticon "half" to bait Megatron. In the end, Inferno sacrifices himself in the sun to defeat the Decepticons.
Episode 33 - Scorponok's Scars
Release Date: 2004-08-20It is revealed that the spark within Scorponok is not actually that of the grand chamberlain of Planet Q - his spark was completely extinguished in his last act of sacrifice. Alpha Q instead used the wandering Spark of a Decepticon recreate Scorponok, programming to act and think the way the real Scorponok did.
Episode 34 - Crash Course
Release Date: 2004-08-27The Autobots hold a race to unwind for a bit. Megatron challenges Shockblast to a fight.
Episode 35 - Omega Supreme
Release Date: 2004-09-03Galvatron begins to activate Unicron, and Omega Supreme joins the Autobots to try and stop him from destroying Alpha Q's planets.
Episode 36 - A Heroic Battle
Release Date: 2004-09-10Unicron is complete! Now Optimus Prime must use his Spark of Combination to Powerlink with Omega Supreme - be will it be enough to stop the Chaos Bringer?
Episode 37 - The Power
Release Date: 2004-09-17The Autobots find a weak spot in Unicron's armor. Meanwhile, some very interesting transformations are taking place on the Decepticon team.
Episode 38 - Optimus Supreme
Release Date: 2004-09-24The Autobots struggle to stop Unicon's planet-destroying rampage. Their only hope is Optimus Supreme.
Episode 39 - Unicron Perishes
Release Date: 2004-10-01Fueled by the light of Primus, the remaining Cybertron warriors are reborn and Optimus Supreme goes toe-to-toe with Unicron.
Episode 40 - Ambition
Release Date: 2004-10-08Galvatron has survived the battle between Unicron and Optimus Supreme and launches an assault on Cybertron itself.
Episode 41 - Wishes
Release Date: 2004-10-15With the power of Super Energon, Galvatron becomes invincible and takes control of Cybertron with the help of Bruticus and Buildron.
Episode 42 - Galvatron!
Release Date: 2004-10-22Galvatron has Six Shot start moving Cybertron towards the planet where Alpha Q's "soul" is. The Miranda II gets hit and crashes into Cybertron.
Episode 43 - Break Through
Release Date: 2004-10-29Optimus Prime and the other Autobots try to break through the Energon grid.
Episode 44 - The Omega Train
Release Date: 2004-11-05The Autobots split up and with the help of other autobot rebels they attempt to find and free Kickers family and Cybertron. Megatron gets Cybertron through the space bridge. Alpha Q seems to think that Galvatron has "lost his marbles" and Ironhide has an "inflated ego."
Episode 45 - Deception Army
Release Date: 2004-11-12Kicker searches for his family below Cybertron, while Galvatron and a damaged Optimus square off on the planet's surface.
Episode 46 - Ironhide Team
Release Date: 2004-11-19The Autobots are in disarray trying to avoid detection from Galvatron, while Ironhide faces a showdown with Scorponok.
Episode 47 - Formidable
Release Date: 2004-11-26The Autobots try to break into the control room to stop Cybertron from getting through the Warp Gate, while Optimus looks for Unicron.
Episode 48 - Galvatron Terror
Release Date: 2004-12-03Galvatron makes his way to the Super Energon temple but is ambushed by Six Shot. Who will succeed in obtaining the Super Energon?
Episode 49 - Destructive Power
Release Date: 2004-12-10Grown to titanic proportions thanks to Super Energon, Galvatron tows Cybertron to Alpha Q's palnets. Meanwhile Roadbuster faces off against Scorponok
Episode 50 - Spark
Release Date: 2004-12-17Both expanded to enormous proportions, Grand Convoy and Galvatron wage their final battle on Jungle Planet. Will Grand Convoy be able to seal Unicron using the Spark of Combination?
Episode 51 - The Sun
Release Date: 2004-12-24Primus plans to use the essenece of Unicron combined with the Super Energon to light Alpha Q's planets. The Autobots must use the Spark of Combination one last time to perform the ultimate Super Link.