Odd Job Jack (2003)
Odd Job Jack was a Canadian animated comedy television show featuring Don McKellar, about one man's misadventures in temporary employment. Seen on and produced for the The Comedy Network, a cable specialty channel, and shown on Adult Swim in Latin America, the show has currently finished its production run as of its fourth season. The second season has been released to DVD, and seasons two through four can currently be seen on the on demand streaming video service Hulu.
- Denny Silverthorne
- Jeremy Diamond
- Adrian Carter
Episode 1 - No One Likes a Gorilla!
Release Date: 2007-07-22Jacks works as a mattress company mascot and hands out fliers to passerbys while he is dressed as an ape.
Episode 2 - Jack Ryder: Mindhumper
Release Date: 2007-07-29Jack works as an assistant to a magician until the magician is arrested and Jack is thrust into the spotlight.
Episode 3 - The Good Locksmith
Release Date: 2007-08-05Jack goes to work as a locksmith and tries to remain honest even when everyone else in the business seems to be dishonest.
Episode 4 - Insecticidal Tendencies
Release Date: 2007-08-12In this Odd Job, Jack is an EXTERMINATOR, with a talent and a taste for the killin’. But is he also exterminating his soul?
Episode 5 - The Flight of the Bumbling Idiot
Release Date: 2007-08-19In this Odd Job, Jack is a FLIGHT ATTENDANT, and does his best to fluff pillows, remain calm, and not crash the plane.
Episode 6 - The Beauty Beast
Release Date: 2007-08-26In this Odd Job, Jack is a PLASTIC SURGEON, and acquires a taste for going under the knife and "improving" himself.
Episode 7 - Ryder's Ride
Release Date: 2007-09-02In this Odd Job, Jack is a LIMO DRIVER and tries to keep his cool and “couth” in the middle of prom season.
Episode 8 - Jack to the Future
Release Date: 2007-09-09In this Odd Job, Jack is an "EGG FARMER" and must face his Future Self who wants to kill him for starting the Apocalypse.
Episode 9 - Master of Temps
Release Date: 2007-09-16In this Odd Job, Jack is a CAREER COUNSELOR at Odd Jobs and experiences life from the other side of the desk.
Episode 10 - Revolving Jobs
Release Date: 2007-09-23In this Odd Job, Jack gets his dream job as a SPRAY ON TANNER, but on the way to work gets trapped in a revolving door with a fellow sociologist.
Episode 11 - You Almost Got Served
Release Date: 2007-09-30In this Odd Job, Jack is a PROCESS SERVER and finds the one job where he has a zero success rate, but refuses to quit.
Episode 12 - King Whore
Release Date: 2007-10-07Jack is an ESCORT and tries to show the ladies a good time while remaining on his pimp’s good side.
Episode 13 - Jack And The Magic Pencil
Release Date: 2007-10-14In this Odd Job, Jack works at an animation studio where his boss has a magic pencil capable of altering reality.