Mystery ER (2007)
Mystery ER is a medical reality program, created by Mike Mathis for the Discovery Health Channel. The show features reenactments of real-life medical mysteries, told through narration and interviews.
Episode 1 - Burning Love/House of Deception
Release Date: 2007-01-26Doctors are puzzled as they examine little Ricky, a frequent patient of the E.R. with persistent vomiting and an odd rash around his mouth and chest. There's no explanation for why the young child wheezes, but his every breath is a painful struggle.
Episode 2 - Hard to Swallow/Culture Shock
Release Date: 2007-02-02When Aaron's panic-stricken parents bring their son into the E.R. with seizures, doctors discover a strange mass inside the boy's brain. Fearful it's cancer, they prepare Aaron for a biopsy until a sharp-eyed radiologist identifies it as a pork tapeworm.
Episode 3 - Seeping Through the Cracks/Purple Haze
Release Date: 2007-03-02Arunas has lived his life in good health, but after turning 50 he suddenly experiences recurrent bouts of vomiting, heart palpitations, weakness, and malaise. After rigorous testing, doctors suspect he is mentally ill, but one last test says otherwise.
Episode 4 - Bittersweet/Ring of Fire
Release Date: 2007-03-09The pain in Alice's legs and back is unbearable. Doctors find nothing and suspect she's neurotic. When her son and neighbors begin to experience similar symptoms, the doctors are baffled. But the cause is not an epidemic, it's a vindictive boyfriend.