The Christmas Raccoons (1980)

In this prelude to the television series 'The Raccoons', Bert, Melissa, and Ralph Raccoon have their home accidentally stolen when it is cut down to become a Christmas tree.

  • Paul Schibli
  • Kevin Gillis

  • Kevin Gillis
  • Juliet Law Packer
  • Gary Dunford

Release Date: 1980-12-01
themoviedb icon 4.8/10
  • Country: CA
  • Language: English | Français
  • Runtime: 30
Len Carlson
Len Carlson
Bert Raccoon (voice)
Rich Little
Rich Little
Storyteller (voice)
Rita Coolidge
Rita Coolidge
Melissa Raccoon (voice)
Carl Banas
Carl Banas
Schaeffer (voice)
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