19-2 (2011)

19-2 is a riveting French-language Canadian drama series set in Montreal. The show follows two police officers, seasoned veteran Nick Barron and rural newcomer Ben Chartier, as they navigate the challenges of working in the 19th precinct. Despite their contrasting approaches to policing, the duo forms a strong partnership while facing dangerous criminals, corruption within the force, and their personal struggles. As the series unfolds, it delves into the emotional and psychological impact of their demanding profession, providing an authentic look into the lives of law enforcement officers.

  • Claude Legault
  • Réal Bossé

Release Date: 2011-02-02
Seasons: 1 2 3
themoviedb icon 8.6/10
  • Country: CA
  • Language: Français
  • Runtime: 42
Catherine Bérubé
Catherine Bér...
Audrey Pouliot
Benz Antoine
Benz Antoine
Tyler Joseph
Louis-Philippe Dandenault
Jean-Marc Brouillard
Claude Legault
Claude Legaul...
Benoît Chartier
Réal Bossé
Réal Bossé
Nick Berrof
Sylvain Marcel
Sylvain Marce...
Sergent Julien Houle
Julie Perreault
Julie Perreau...
Isabelle Latendresse
Véronique Beaudet
Véronique Bea...
Bérengère Hamelin
Jean Petitclerc
Jean Petitcle...
Commandant Marcel Gendron
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