Star Wars: Go Rogue (2016)
A stop motion animated Star Wars series, created by fans and Lucasfilm, to introduce the new Rogue One action figures from Tongal. The shorts follow the Rogue One character’s adventures throughout the galaxy as they battle the Empire.
Episode 1 - Chapter 1
Release Date: 2016-08-30The Empire has misplaced the building instructions to the LEGO Death Star. Jyn Erso has followed an Imperial search team to the markets of Jedha hoping to recover the instructions first.
Episode 2 - Chapter 2
Release Date: 2016-09-09With increasing pressure from Director Krennic, Jyn must join forces with the Rebels on Jedha to take on enemies of all shapes and sizes.
Episode 3 - Chapter 3
Release Date: 2016-09-16The Rebels seek the second instruction book on rain-soaked Eadu, but the Empire has beaten them to the prize. Will they be able to outsmart the scheming Director Krennic to escape with the instructions and their lives?
Episode 4 - Chapter 4
Release Date: 2016-09-26In the exciting conclusion, the Rebels must rely on their wits, courage, and building skills to rescue one of their own from Director Krennic and escape with the LEGO building instructions. The fate of the Galaxy hangs in the balance.