Richie Rich (1996)

Richie Rich is an animated television series produced by Harvey Films, Saban Entertainment, Film Roman, Universal Studios, and distributed by Claster Television. It aired for one season, and also includes select Harveytoons shorts. Unlike the Hanna-Barbera version which depicted a somewhat older Richie closer to adolescence, this revival series was more faithful to the comics, as Richie Rich appeared in his original form as a younger child in his tuxedo and shorts.

  • Warren Kremer

Release Date: 1996-09-14
Seasons: 1
themoviedb icon 6.3/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: en
  • Runtime: 30
Pat Fraley
Pat Fraley
Dollar the Dog
René Auberjonois
René Auberjon...
Richard Rich, Chef Pierre, Professor Keenbean
Martin Jarvis
Martin Jarvis
Cadbury, Bascomb
Katie Leigh
Katie Leigh
Richie Rich, Irona
Jeannie Elias
Jeannie Elias
Freckles, Gloria Glad, Reggie Van Dough, Tiny
Susan Silo
Susan Silo
Regina Rich
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