The Brady Kids (1972)

The Brady Kids is an animated television series, produced by Filmation in association with Paramount Television and seen on ABC from 1972 to 1973. It was an animated spinoff of ABC's live action situational comedy, The Brady Bunch and spun off another Filmation series, Mission: Magic!, starring rock star Rick Springfield.

  • Sherwood Schwartz

Release Date: 1972-09-09
Seasons: 1 2
themoviedb icon 5.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 30
Maureen McCormick
Maureen McCor...
Marcia Brady
Barry Williams
Barry William...
Susan Olsen
Susan Olsen
Cindy Brady (voice)
Eve Plumb
Eve Plumb
Jan Brady (voice)
Christopher Knight
Christopher K...
Peter Brady (voice)
Mike Lookinland
Mike Lookinla...
Bobby Brady (voice)
Larry Storch
Larry Storch
Chuck White (voice) / Marlon (voice) / Mop Top (voice) / Fleetwood (voice)
Erika Scheimer
Erika Scheime...
Marcia Brady (voice)
Jane Webb
Jane Webb
Ping (voice) / Pong (voice) / Babs (voice) / Mother Nature (voice)
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