Young Talents

An array of young performers: singers ERIN and MEGAN GUARAGLIA and SHAYLIA MADDEN, while host Rosie Sorenson interviews a special 5 year-old student MAHESHWARA RAO. Co-Hosts: Marci Camacho, Robert Guarino.

  • Richard R. Lee

Release Date: 1988-09-01
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
TMDb: 5.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: en
  • Runtime: 30

Other episodes for this season

Series Premiere
Episode 1 - Series Premiere
Country Showdown
Episode 2 - Country Showdown
Young Talents
Episode 3 - Young Talents
World Event
Episode 4 - World Event
Auntie DiDi Visits
Episode 5 - Auntie DiDi Visits
Rock'n With Junior Sharp
Episode 6 - Rock'n With Junior Sharp
Episode 7 - Songwriters
Thrills Are Unlimited
Episode 8 - Thrills Are Unlimited
All-Music Show
Episode 9 - All-Music Show