My Hero (2000)

My Hero is a BBC sitcom created by Paul Mendelson. The programme ran for six series, first broadcast in February 2000, and concluding in September 2006. The series follows the antics of the dim-witted superhero "Thermoman", portrayed by Ardal O'Hanlon in series one to five and by James Dreyfus in the final series. The series was regularly directed by John Stroud. In the UK, the digital channel Gold regularly re-runs the programme, although the last series has yet to appear on the channel. In the United States it was shown on PBS and, briefly, BBC America. In Australia, UKTV offered re-runs of the first three series, while BBC Entertainment provided repeats for Scandinavia.

  • Paul Mendelson

Release Date: 2000-02-04
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6
themoviedb icon 6.5/10
  • Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 30
James Dreyfus
James Dreyfus
George Monday / Thermoman
Philip Whitchurch
Philip Whitch...
Shola Adewusi
Shola Adewusi
Tim Wylton
Tim Wylton
Stanley Dawkins
Lou Hirsch
Lou Hirsch
Arnie Kawolski
Emily Joyce
Emily Joyce
Janet Dawkins
Ardal O'Hanlon
Ardal O'Hanlo...
Hugh Dennis
Hugh Dennis
Dr. Piers Crispin
Lill Roughley
Lill Roughley
Ella Dawkins
Geraldine McNulty
Geraldine McN...
Mrs. Raven
Pat Kelman
Pat Kelman
Ultron Postie
Heather Coombs
Heather Coomb...
Mrs Farmsworth
Roger Alborough
Roger Alborou...
Patient Requesting Magazine
Mary Keegan
Mary Keegan
Mrs Tott
Tres Hanley
Tres Hanley
John Guerrasio
John Guerrasi...
Arnie's Customer
Jo-Anne Stockham
Jo-Anne Stock...
Maryann Turner
Maryann Turne...
Pauline Whitaker
Pauline Whita...
Natasha Joseph
Natasha Josep...
Morning Shop Host
Philip Cumbus
Philip Cumbus
Jonathan Keeble
Jonathan Keeb...
Mr. Allison
James Holmes
James Holmes
Emma Davidson
Emma Davidson
George Keeler
George Keeler
Charlotte Hudson
Charlotte Hud...
Irish Newsreader
Mark Davison
Mark Davison
Phil Nice
Phil Nice
Jack Sandle
Jack Sandle
New Body George
Petina Hapgood
Petina Hapgoo...
Patricia Grant
Patricia Gran...
Claire Vousden
Claire Vousde...
Officious Woman
Simon Wright
Simon Wright
Male Customer
Jessica Claire
Jessica Clair...
Lochlann Ó Mearáin
Lochlann Ó Me...
Non-smoking Patient
Oriane Messina
Oriane Messin...
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