Idol Producer (偶像练习生) is a Chinese reality boy group survival show produced by iQiyi. Idol Producer brings together 100 trainees from 31 different entertainment companies and talent agencies, both within and beyond China, including individual trainees who aren't associated with any agencies. Out of the 100 trainees, 9 of them will be chosen to debut through viewer voting.

Release Date: 2018-01-19
Seasons: 1
themoviedb icon 8.0/10
  • Country: CN
  • Language: 普通话
  • Runtime: 120
Jin Au-Yeung
Jin Au-Yeung
Rap Mentor
Zhang Yixing
Zhang Yixing
Nation's Representative Producer
Li Ronghao
Li Ronghao
Vocal Mentor
Jackson Wang
Jackson Wang
Rap Mentor
Cheng Xiao
Cheng Xiao
Dance Mentor
Zhou Jieqiong
Zhou Jieqiong
Dance Mentor
Au-Yeung Jin
Au-Yeung Jin
Rap Mentor
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