Men At Work (2012)
Men at Work is an American comedy series that airs on TBS. The series was created by Breckin Meyer and stars Danny Masterson, Michael Cassidy, Adam Busch, James Lesure and Meredith Hagner. The series premiered on May 24, 2012 at 10 pm. TBS second season premiered on April 4, 2013 with another 10 episode season.
Episode 1 - Pre-Posal
Release Date: 2014-01-15Neal is going to propose to Amy, but first he has to get her father’s blessing – and it’s not going to be easy. Milo joins Gibbs on his yearly "samurai cleanse." Tyler finds his first gray hair and is convinced that the end is close… or at least closer.
Episode 2 - Post-Posal
Release Date: 2014-01-22Gibbs helps Neal plan the perfect proposal. When Neal doesn't get the answer he expected from Amy, Milo thinks it's all his fault. The guys accuse Tyler of "straight baiting" his new friend, who happens to be one of the richest men in the world.
Episode 3 - Holy New Boss!
Release Date: 2014-01-29Myron, the new boss at Full Steam, has promised to fire one employee by the end of the day. When Neal shows up to work drunk, the guys rally to sober him up and save his job.
Episode 4 - I Take Thee, Gibbs
Release Date: 2014-02-05Milo’s jealousy is tested when he dates a girl who has a "same-sex ex." Gibbs gets carried away with a "fake" marriage. Tyler tries to win Myron over with Neal’s help.
Episode 5 - Gigo-Milo
Release Date: 2014-02-12Milo meets a book publisher, but it's not his writing she's interested in. Neal hires an intern and Myron enlists Tyler and Gibbs to make him look cool on social media.
Episode 6 - Hi, Jude
Release Date: 2014-02-19When Milo quits his job, Myron hires Jude, a pretty female writer, to replace him. Tyler tries to earn Jude's respect. Gibbs thinks his apartment is haunted while Neal has some apartment issues of his own. Milo struggles to prove himself as a real writer.
Episode 7 - Molly
Release Date: 2014-02-26The guys follow a girl to a party to help Neal make a connection, but they get more than they bargained for when they learn that Molly isn't the host of the party – it's what's in the punch.
Episode 8 - Suburban Gibbs
Release Date: 2014-03-05Jude warns Gibbs that dating a girl from the suburbs is more dangerous than it seems. Tyler and Milo's friendship is tested when Tyler offers to cover Milo’s share of the rent.
Episode 9 - Jude Awakening
Release Date: 2014-03-12Tyler attempts to ask Jude out on a date, but her past gets in the way. Worried that Gibbs is bottling up his emotions, Milo tries to get him to cry. The big source of Neal’s sexual anxiety is revealed.
Episode 10 - Odd Milo Out
Release Date: 2014-03-12Tyler and Jude try to keep their new relationship a secret. Milo, already feeling left out since quitting Full Steam, has his traditional movie night taken away from him. Gibbs is hurt when Neal finds a new apartment. PJ tells a paranoid Myron to expect big changes in the office.