The Clock (1949)
The Clock is a 30-minute American anthology television series based upon the American Broadcasting Company radio series which ran from 1946–48. The half-hour series mostly consisted of original dramas concerning murder, mayhem or insanity. Series narrator Larry Semon was the only regular; each week a new set of guest stars were featured. The title of the series was derived from a clock which was a major plot element in each story. The show's musical theme was "The Sands of Time". Ninety-one episodes aired from 1949 to 1952, most of them on NBC, except for the final season which aired on ABC. Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Season 2 Episode List
Episode 1 - The Web
Release Date: 1949-11-16 -
Episode 2 - Reverse
Release Date: 1949-11-23 -
Episode 3 - Cousin Maria
Release Date: 1949-11-30 -
Episode 4 - Maniac at Large
Release Date: 1949-12-07 -
Episode 5 - Lease of Death
Release Date: 1949-12-14 -
Episode 6 - Romance
Release Date: 1949-12-21 -
Episode 7 - Mark Wade, D.A.
Release Date: 1949-12-28