Movie | 灵幻天师 | 1988-01-01 | |
Series | The Price Of Growing Up | 1987-08-27 | |
Series | The Wacky Wife | 1987-12-07 | |
Series | The Lamp Lore | 1986-03-10 | |
Series | The SIB Files | Unknown | 1986-06-07 |
Series | Men of the House | 1986-08-01 | |
Series | The Foundation | 薛湘雲 | 1984-02-06 |
Series | The Sacred Commandment | 1984-08-01 | |
Movie | Mad, Mad 83 | 1983-08-20 | |
Series | Fool's Paradise | 1982-05-17 | |
Movie | Once Upon a Mirage | 1982-08-25 | |
Movie | The Imp | Lan | 1981-11-05 |
Movie | Second Class Resident | 1981-01-22 | |
Movie | The Legal Illegals | 1981-09-01 | |
Series | 香港地 | 霞 | 1979-06-20 |
Movie | The Wickedness in Poverty | Movie Actress | 1979-08-23 |
Series | Better and Bitter Half | 1978-01-02 | |
Series | Vanity Fair | 1978-01-02 | |
Movie | The Rascal Billionaire | 1978-12-08 |