Movie |
The Winter Will Not Come
2014-11-25 |
Movie |
Уходящая натура
2014-07-21 |
Series |
The Brothers Karamazov
Vrach Varvinskiy |
2009-05-27 |
Series |
Pelagia and The White Bulldog
Корш - нотариус |
2009-09-14 |
Movie |
Terra Nova
Volynets |
2008-08-08 |
Movie |
Don't Cry Mommy 2
administrator |
2005-06-21 |
Movie |
All That is Tender
1996-02-08 |
Movie |
The Castle
Land Surveyor |
1994-12-26 |
Movie |
1993-12-08 |
Movie |
Lucky Man
1990-07-01 |
Movie |
Reed Paradise
Kesha Bobrov |
1989-03-25 |
Movie |
1989-01-01 |
Movie |
Glade of Fairy Tales
1988-07-01 |
Movie |
Tale about the enamored painter
1987-01-01 |
Movie |
Mirror for a Hero
Фёдор Петренко |
1987-12-13 |
Movie |
The Left-Hander
Левша |
1986-03-16 |
Movie |
Valentin and Valentina
Valentin |
1985-12-12 |
Movie |
1984-04-20 |
Movie |
A Special Unit
Volodya |
1984-09-10 |